Subscriber - created from Mind Map


Notiz am Subscriber - created from Mind Map, erstellt von ashagarje_09 am 18/06/2014.
Notiz von ashagarje_09, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago Mehr Weniger
Erstellt von ashagarje_09 vor mehr als 10 Jahre
Zu Notiz kopiert von ashagarje_09 vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

While/Before Enrollment Problems I need to enrolled to know RXP Services.. I don't know billers supported by RXP... It's very lengthy process, should simple as 3 steps. What's the use of making Email Add mandatory at enrollment as it just verifies format. Whats the use of equifax question as they never used No need of so many security questions at enrollment...

After Enrollment Problems After Enrollment I don't know how to use onbo/RXP I don't have sufficient balance to pay bills n that's outta FI's limit Ohh!! I forgot to pay bill, if RXP had remind me on Email/Mob I cann't view Onboarding once I made payment Cann't View added biller on onboarding RXP takes to much time to confirm account

if RXP had remind me on Email/Mob, I would have not miss to pay this bill. 

If Subscriber liked the onboarding view he don't have ability to view onbo again if he made a payment.

I have added biller in utility but I cannt know which biller I have added unless I click on that category



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