Erstellt von Jen Collins
vor mehr als 11 Jahre
BLOCK 2- KEY PEOPLEREMEMBERING AND IDENTITYR. Butler - life review is a natural processT. Kitwood 1997- PERSONHOOD: recognising the individual behind the diseaseC. Borland- Medical Consultant who supports Kitwoods viewCHANGING IDENTITYTalcott Parsons 1951 - Sick RoleGROUPS v's INDIVIDUALS (grp wrk)M. Dowel - grp wrk stops person focusing inward on selfG. Wistow - need both independance and interdependance GROUP WORKV. Patel- study of children affected HIV (relevant to all grp wrk)S. Patel- study of barriers to use of self help grpsONLINE GRPSM. Bakardyieva, Ridings + Geffan - studies on why people used online grpsM. White + S. Dorman - advantages of online grpsORAL HISTORYHoward Mitchell- lennox castle worker and researcherTOTAL INSTITUTIONSE. Goffman 1961- Asylumns, Total InstitutionsRussel Barton 1959(?)- psych consultatnt, enviro imapcts on/causes sense institutionalisationDEINSTITUTIONALISATIONJohn Wagner 1998- building based services inflexible, few provisions made for those who had lived at home and wld face life changing situation when parents died/needed careLOOKED AFTER CHILD AND TRANSITIONSHeady Cleaver 2000- Fostering family contact (study showing intro meetings with foster families didn't often happen)ATTACHMENT THEORYJohn Bowlby - Attachment Theory, Internal Working ModelRose + Philpot - Scripts and stories -MAGICAL THINKINGLIFE STORY WORKRyan and Walker - importance of life story work and importance of identity and creation of self in relation to healthy psych development
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