58. People will look for shortcuts only if the shortcuts are easy


Notiz am 58. People will look for shortcuts only if the shortcuts are easy, erstellt von Cynthia Clay am 11/04/2018.
Cynthia  Clay
Notiz von Cynthia Clay, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Cynthia  Clay
Erstellt von Cynthia Clay vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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Not many people use the full keyboard, some will use shortcuts. Example is when we are using a program and we want to go back instead of going through the tabs to find it we use a keyboard command, like for mac users its command z, we do the same for copy and paste.  IF the shortcut is quick and easy people will use it, but if the shortcut is complicated or takes longer people will stick with the old ways because it is faster to us. Provide Defaults When defaults are placed they reduce the amount of work to finish a task. An example of this is filling out a persons name and address is when you start to type out the name and it comes up with auto fill, it takes less time to fill out now. There can be problems like if there are defaults set yet no one notices them or accept wrong defaults without realizing it.  Have you ever bought something online for someone else then when you turn around and buy yourself something the shipping address is set for their address instead of yours? Did you even notice it was set for their address and the person receiving these items get a very nice surprise? Thats when defaults are causing more issues that less.

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