Tsotsi Opening Sequence Notes


Notiz am Tsotsi Opening Sequence Notes, erstellt von jessicanew am 05/10/2014.
Notiz von jessicanew, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von jessicanew vor fast 10 Jahre

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Seite 1

"Tsotsi" Opening Sequence NotesImages in the opening sequence multiple close-ups on dice- metaphor for game of luck and chance dice are also shown when Boston corrects Butcher on his counting- reinforces the fact that some people can have education and still end up in slums shows that Boston has had an education and Butcher hasn't  one of them having an education and the other not is because of chance aerial shot looking down on slum to show setting, shows poverty and shows Miriam at the community water pump -> highlights her significance as a character low angle camera shot looks up at the characters to show the audience their importance in the narrative the train station and the clothes indicate that the film is set in modern day the area can be deciphered through the images of the slums Tsotsi's Personality when we first see Tsotsi he is on the other side of the room to the others showing him to be more isolated and distant staring out of the window could mean that he is deep in thought his shirtlessness = indication of animalness, intimidating and violent nature bottles up his emotion -> doesn't want people to see hi weak close-ups of his face, focusing on his eyes- he doesn't say much so his eyes are showing his emotion

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