5. People Imagine Objects Tilted And At A Slight Angle Above


Notiz am 5. People Imagine Objects Tilted And At A Slight Angle Above, erstellt von Spencer Berling am 22/01/2019.
Spencer Berling
Notiz von Spencer Berling, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Spencer Berling
Erstellt von Spencer Berling vor etwa 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

Viewing Objects At The Same Angle

Most people draw objects in a similar way. If a person draws a coffee cup, they will most likely draw it above and at an angle.

"How to draw a cup of coffee | Step by step Drawing tutorials." How to draw a double-decker bus | Super Coloring. 30 Aug. 2018. 21 Jan. 2019 <http://www.supercoloring.com/drawing-tutorials/how-to-draw-a-cup-of-coffee>.

Seite 2

Canonical Perspective

Viewing and drawing objects at the same angle goes for most objects people will draw. This is known as the canonical perspective.

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