58. People will look for shortcuts only if the shortcuts are easy


Notiz am 58. People will look for shortcuts only if the shortcuts are easy, erstellt von Ngoc Le am 24/01/2019.
Ngoc Le
Notiz von Ngoc Le, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ngoc Le
Erstellt von Ngoc Le vor etwa 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

#58 People Will Look for Shortcuts Only if the Shortcuts are Easy   Speaking of being lazy, I mean efficient, we love using shortcuts to make doing the things we do easier and faster. But that's only if using the shortcut is actually easier or faster than doing it the normal old way. Otherwise, no need to fix something that's not broken and sometimes, old habits are hard to break. Having a shortcut that takes a long time to do is kind of like an oxymoron.   Some of my favorite shortcut keys to use in design programs on my MacBook are: Command C or X to Copy or Cut Command V for Paste Command Z for Undo Command S for Save   You can hear the audio version of this chapter by clicking on the next page.  

Seite 2

Listen to the audio version of this chapter on this page.

Seite 3

Here are some other shortcut keys. Remember when switching from a Mac to a PC the 'Control' and 'Command' keys will perform the same functions.

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