Erstellt von Miles Toon
vor etwa 5 Jahre
Introduction Describe what happened: The Manchester Arena bombing happened on the 22nd of May 2017 at an Ariana Grande concert. It was the act of a terrorist with a bomb in the foyer of the concert, the bomb was filled with shrapnel to try and harm more people. The act was claimed by the Islamic State, though not confirmed. Twenty-two were killed, and 116 injured. Many of the audience were teenagers and children, the youngest who died was just eight years old. The bombing is seen as a 'ground zero event' because many people were killed and affected by an act of terrorism. Furthermore, many of these people were young, so it is more immoral. Much of the horror of the attack was that it was aimed at a concert with a younger audience. Tragedies are often seen as worse when children are the victims because they are innocent and still have so much to experience in their lives.
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