Bunton and McDonald's: Health promotion discipline and diversity:


Notiz am Bunton and McDonald's: Health promotion discipline and diversity:, erstellt von Yomna am 22/09/2013.
Notiz von Yomna, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Yomna vor fast 11 Jahre

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Seite 1

This book brings together views from a range of subjects, some not always associated with health promotion, such as marketing or communication theory. Others, such as social policy of psychology may have obvious connections to make; here the implications for practice are discussed fully for the first time. Public health movement was a Victorian movement, to look at notion of public health. Education and health are the basis for any community even before economic development. Health education in some countries hasn't moved into health promotion.Social media and social marketing is the new version.

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