Timeline 1536 - 1588


Tudor Timeline
Notiz von Megan_Roze, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Megan_Roze vor mehr als 9 Jahre

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1535 – (September) Commissioners sent by Cromwell to investigate the state of the Church, e.g. following vows, corruption Thomas Legh and Richard Leyton carried out visitations on Monastic property – given agenda 1536 – Findings of ‘moral corruption’ in regular clergy presented to Parliament – Manipulated commons – from the people, not the Crown (for money) 1536 – (January) Catherine of Aragon died 1536 – (February) The Act for the Dissolution of the Smaller Monasteries (Annual income of less than £200) 1536 – (July) The Ten Articles Statement of Religion in new English Church – Confirmed good works (Catholicism), only mentioned 3/7 sacraments – Baptism, Eucharist & Penance (Protestant) 1536 – (May) Anne Boleyn beheaded Henry married Jane Seymour the following day 1536 – (August) Cromwell’s First Royal Injunctions Ordered Clergy to: Enforce the Ten Articles, defend the Royal Supremacy in sermons, and abandon pilgrimages and Saint’s day 1536 – (October) Lincolnshire Rising >>> Pilgrimage of Grace – See other notes 1537 – (January) Cumberland Rising 1537-39 – ‘Voluntary’ Surrender of Greater Monasteries –Disastrous consequences, Abbot of Glastonbury hanged upon refusal 1537 – (July) The Bishop’s Book, Institution of a Christian Man, Balance between C&P No transubstantiation, mainly Protestant, HE, Henry made 250 changes, ‘good works’ 1537 – (August) The English Bible – Mathew Bible 1st Official translation – Distinctly Protestant version – Had Royal permission Cromwell funded £400 to print 1537 – (September) Cromwell 2nd Royal Injunction English Bible in all Parishes in 2 years Births, marriages & deaths all registered 1537 – (October 12th) Edward VI born (October 24th) Jane Seymour died 1538 – (December) Exeter Conspiracy 1539 – (June) The Act of Six Articles – Catholic Confirmed transubstantiation, private masses, hearing of confessions by Priests Banned clerical marriage, taking Communion in both kinds by lay people Severe penalties (e.g. denial of transubstantiation – automatic burning, heretic – no possibility of recantation) 1539 – (June) The Act for the Dissolution of the Greater Monasteries 1540 – Henry married Anne of Cleves (6th January – Annulled 6th July) 1540 – (June) Cromwell arrested for treason & heresy Blamed for Cleves marriage & spread of heresy in Calais (protecting Protestants and not enforcing the Six Articles) Enemies – faction, Duke of Norfolk (July) Executed 1540 – (July) Henry married Catherine Howard – daughter of Catholic, Duke of Norfolk (Catholic faction) 1542 – (February) Catherine Howard Executed 1543 – (April) Cranmer protected by Henry against the Catholic faction – given his ring 1543 – (May) Act for the Advancement of True Religion – Restricted access of the English Bible to upper-class men and noblewomen in private (not lay people) (May) The Necessary Doctrine and Erudition of a Christian Man (The King’s Book – written by Henry himself) Revised Bishop’s Book – defending transubstantiation and the Six Articles, also encouraged preaching and attacked the use of images 1543 – (July) Henry married Catherine Parr1545 - Something

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