ELA 10: Ultimate Grammar and Punctuation Notes


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Riley Babuik
Notiz von Riley Babuik, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Riley Babuik
Erstellt von Riley Babuik vor etwa 4 Jahre

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Seite 1

ELA 10: Ultimate Grammar and Punctuation Notes

coordinating conjunction - FANBOYS conjunctive adverb - also, however, therefore, instead subordinate conjunction - after, although, since Comma - Creates pauses in sentences, Separates parts of sentences Semi-colon - Separates independent clauses Colon - Introduces a list or quotation Exclamation Mark - Shows emotion, surprise or emphasis Quotation Mark - Separates a quotation or speech Forward Slash - Used to replace "or" or "per" Ellipsis - Create a pause in thought, Omits information in quotes Round Brackets - Includes extra unnecessary information Square Brackets - Includes clarification Hyphens/ Dashes - Used for compound numbers 21 - 99, Joins two adjectives in a sentence, Is used occasionally in place of other punctuation Asterisk - Indicates a footnote or something at the bottom of the page   Coordinating Conjunction - For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so Conjunctive Adverb - Also, however, therefore, instead Subordinate Conjunction - After, although, since

Basic Grammar Vocabulary: Subject - The THING doing something Verb - The action the THING is performing Object - The other thing that is affected by the action Clause/Phrase - Part of a sentence - Dependent clauses: Missing a crucial part of a sentence, needs extra information - Independent clauses: Can stand on its own as a sentence    

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