Sociales Definitivo T11


Notiz am Sociales Definitivo T11, erstellt von David Andrino am 12/05/2015.
David Andrino
Notiz von David Andrino, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
David Andrino
Erstellt von David Andrino vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

1. Monarchy in ancient Rome-Romulus and Remus were twin sons of Mars. They were throwed into Tiber riber and a wolf looked from them. Later, Romulus killed Remus and founded Rome and he was its first king in 753 B.C.-Later, the Etruscans occuped the city and a republic was stabilished in Rome. The last Etruscan king was in 509 B.C. because he was a tyrant.2. The republic-The citizens elected the government. Power was shared between:#People Assemblies: Formed by all citizens, who decided and voted on laws.#Magistrates: Elected anually#Senate: Responsible for policy and also controlled the army, religion and the laws-Territory during the republic:#Controll of the Mediterranean Sea#Controll of the Iberian Peninsula-The republic ended with some magistrates and generals, including, Julio Caesar, took controll of the government.

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