Greek drama


Annual Exams History (Athenian Empire) Notiz am Greek drama, erstellt von luke.bailey39 am 13/10/2013.
Notiz von luke.bailey39, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von luke.bailey39 vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

1.From Athenian perspective2.Encourages support for delian league and Pericles 3.Also for entertainment4.Athenian glory 5.Very unusual for a tragedy because instead of being mythical it's contemporary 6.Athenian propoganda

1.Powerful and rich2.Amazing3.powerful troops who bring woe to persians4.Fighting in a phalanx - teamwork5.'slaves to no lords'-reference of democracy6. this makes Athenians feel good about themselves

1.individual2.group3.Athenian glory goes to individuals

The Persians (play)


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