Aztecs before the Spanish arrived


Annual Exams History (Aztecs) Notiz am Aztecs before the Spanish arrived, erstellt von luke.bailey39 am 17/10/2013.
Notiz von luke.bailey39, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von luke.bailey39 vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

1.Came rom a mythical home island2.Probably didn't have big ocean going ships3.Might sacrifice poor leaders4.Was a justice system but no-one knows how it worked5.saw it as an honour to be sacrificed6.Spanish tried to Abolish human sacrifice7.An act of capture a was a good sign for sacrifice 8.people watched human sacrifice9.Aztecs were migrants who gained power by making peace with the natives and then turned against them slowly one by one until they were the most powerful people10.Allies had to pay in wealth and sacrifices 11.

1.had a king emporer who was chosen by the nobles 2. Followed a bloodline to some extent



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