Erstellt von Gloria Sarmiento
vor mehr als 9 Jahre
Like a typical teen, Shyima Hall forgets to make her bed and groans when it’s time to do her two chores—vacuuming the floor and cleaning the fishbowl. In t__ Orange County, California, ho__ she sha___ with h__ adoptive par____ and fi__ brothers a__ sisters, t__ petite 18-year-old lounges o_ the co___, talking o_ her ce__ phone. She wears low-____ jeans, a__ her na___ are pai____ pink. Last May s__ went t_ her pr__ in a silky go__, her lo__ dark ha__ worn u_ with a gardenia. She juggles a packed schedule_________ job, home____, weekend cam___ if sh__ making u_ for lo__ time. And she i_. A ye__ ago Shyima, who w__ born i_ Alexandria, Egypt, closed a chapter i_ her li__ she wis___ had ne___ been wri____. It be___ in 2000, when h__ impoverished par____ sold h__ to a wealthy cou___ in Cairo. When t__ pair mo___ to t__ United States, they arra____ for t__ ten-year-old t_ be bro____ illegally in__ the cou____, where s__ worked, d__ and ni___, in t__ familys po__ home.According to t__ US.. Department of Health and Human Services, hu___ trafficking i_ now t__ fastest-growing crim____ industry i_ the wo___. As ma__ as 800000 people a__ trafficked acr___ international bor____ annually; t__ United States is a popular desti______, with a_ many a_ 17500 peo___ brought i_ each ye__ and expl_____ for s__ or la___. Shyima, n_ stranger t_ hardship, fe__ into t__ latter cate____. One o_ 11 chil____ born t_ desperately po__ parents, s__ grew u_ in a small one-ba______ house sha___ by th___ families. She and h__ parents a__ siblings sl___ in o__ room o_ blankets la__ out o_ the fl___. Her fat___ was of___ gone f__ weeks a_ a ti__. “When h_ was ho__,” says Shyima, “he be__ us.”Shed ne___ been t_ school, a__ her pros_____ were bl___. Still, Shyima wasnt wit____ hope. “There was happ_____ there,” s__ told a courtroom ye___ later. “I had peo___ that ca___ for m_.”When she w__ eight, s__ went t_ live wi__ Abdel-Nasser Youssef Ibrahim a__ his wi__, Amal Ahmed Ewis-Abd Motelib, then i_ their 30s. Shyimas ol___ sister h__ worked a_ a ma__ for th__, but t__ couple fi___ her, clai____ shed sto___ cash. As part o_ a de__ the cou___ made wi__ her still-d________ parents, Shyima was for___ to rep____ her.Two ye___ later, Ibrahim and Motelib decided t_ move wi__ their fi__ children t_ the United States t_ start a_ import-export busi____. Shyima di___ want t_ go. Ibrahim, she sa__ today, “to__ me I had n_ choice i_ the mat___.” She reme_____ standing out____ the kit____, overhearing h__ employers ta__ with h__ parents. “I heard th__ negotiate, a__ then m_ parents ga__ me aw__ for $30 a mo___ to th___ people,” s__ says.
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