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Jack Leo
Notiz von Jack Leo, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jack Leo
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

Multitasking feature | A true Samsung trait   There are many words that we come across in our daily lives. Many words just pass by but some leave their mark or become a topic of conversation.    One such word is Multitasking. It is a word that has faced its fair share of debate. From constructive to destructive criticism, everything has been explored in this domain.   Many people prefer working on multiple things at a single time while others prefer a focused approach towards completing things.    But there is one mobile phone that carries everything out pretty well. It is the S8 version. It can be protected by the samsung s8 case.    Usually, we use a single screen for completing our tasks or carrying out any work but what if we could multi taking on a single screen?    It is similar to the multiple-screen setup. But this one is on a single screen. We can use dual apps on the phone screen.   No need to navigate between apps by leaving one at a time. Just select the dual-screen option and continue working on your task.    It might take some time to adjust to the split scenario but in a while, everyone can get accustomed to it.  

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