
Truth Notiz am TRUTH, erstellt von aleshkai am 11/04/2013.
Notiz von aleshkai, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von aleshkai vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

Is it a property?? What is it a property of?? Disquotationalism is widely accepted: Disquotationalism is Deflationism is the idea that asserting of something as true does not add or assign a property to the statement. Does disquotationalism entail deflationism? Thick deflationism: there is something importantly wrong about the deflationary interpretation.  Truth is more robust that deflationism allows. The redundancy theory: to say of something that it is true is not really to add anything more to an statement: Consider the difference between 'it is true that snow is white' and 'snow is white' the truth is already in the statement, implicit.  senses 

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