The Benefits of Hobbies - created from Mind Map


Public Speaking Project
Notiz von cian.buckley, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago Mehr Weniger
Erstellt von cian.buckley vor mehr als 10 Jahre
Zu Notiz kopiert von cian.buckley vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

What is a hobby? Pastime an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation can be almost anything basically, something you do that you enjoy on your own or in groups golf stamp collecting fishing

many benefits fun/enjoyable fitness social confidence

enjoyable hobbies are things that you enjoy make you feel good you choose to do them so you must like it mental benefits

fitness not all hobbies but a lot esp. sports enjoyable and good for you golf tennis hiking swimming

social make life-long friends meet new people enjoy hobby with others instead of on your own e.g my granny plays golf people with same interests more chance of liking them

confidence similar to social talk to people about interests social anxiety make friends meet people by taking part in a hobby make friends + feel better

overall hobby is something you enjoy so you feel good doing it many can keep you fit and healthy you can make friends that will last a life time more confident

The Benefits of Hobbies

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