Cultural Variations


Mead (1935) Evaluation
Notiz von kedwards96, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von kedwards96 vor etwa 11 Jahre

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Seite 1

Cultural Variations in Gender-related behaviour Mead studied differences in gender roles in three different societies and found there was cultural differences in gender related behaviour Males and females in the Arapesh society were gentle and cooperative Males and females in the Mundugamor society behaved in a typical male way Males and females in the Tchambuli society had distinct gender roles that were opposite of traditional western sex roles

Evaluation Mead's methods have been criticised for being unscientific Mead may have been biased  Mead had been accused of exaggeration cultural differences in gender-related behaviour  General notion of cultural differences in gender related development may be correct; Wade & Tavris (1998) reported cultural differences; for example the status of women is relatively high in Scandinavian countries and very low in Bangladesh

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