Creation (Genesis 1-2)


In the beginning, ...
Notiz von hlallsop, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von hlallsop vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

Day 1 - Created heavens and the earth; light and darkness/day and nightDay 2 - Separated waters and created the skyDay 3 - Created land and sea and seed bearing plants and treesDay 4 - Created sun and moon and starsDay 5 - Created creatures that lived in water and flew in airDay 6 - Created creatures on the land, Man and woman - both in his image Gave them authority over other creatures Gave them seed bearing plants as food (He did not mention eating anything else until Genesis 9:3, after the flood)Day 7 - God rested from his work and called the day holy.*After each day's work, God declared that it was "good."

Seite 2

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