Social Psychology - created from Mind Map_3


Notiz am Social Psychology - created from Mind Map_3, erstellt von miabond007 am 05/02/2014.
Notiz von miabond007, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago Mehr Weniger
Erstellt von miabond007 vor mehr als 10 Jahre
Zu Notiz kopiert von miabond007 vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

Conformity Information Social Influences (Need to be Liked) Normative Social Influences (Need to be Right) Woolworths Rodin Pillivan+ Rodin (fire in the room) Sherif (1935) Internationlisation (change behaviour and opinion) Compliance (change your behaviour not your mind) Enter text here Attached Study AidsNote - Social Psychology - created from Mind Map

Opinions and Social pressures(lines)Aim: Investigate the extent in which individuals will conform to a majority that give an obvious wrong answer.Procedure: Ptp were placed in a group with 7-9 others and sat in a semi circle.They were asked to match a target line out of three lines.Confederates gave indentical wrong answers and ptp answered second to last.Also a control group with all real ptps.Lying lab experiment, Repeated measures, 123 male volunteers, changed targetline, conform or not.Findings: Control group error of 0.0432% conformity rate75% at least one wrong5% conformed to all wrong answersConclusion:-Judgement of individual effected by majority opinion.-Individual differences in the extent to which ptp's are effectedCriticms:-Test is uneconomical and time consuming- Unrealistic-Unethical-deceit-

Social Psychology

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