Eating Behaviour


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Neural mechanisms:Lateral hypothalamus(LH) - Lesions are made in the LH into rat, the effects where that the rat would eat a lot less. (Anand et al)Ventromedial nucleus (VH) - Lesions in the VH was made and coursed the rats ate more  and become obese. (Hethering et al)Cultural influenceWardle - culture is influence by the food in the location. The people in Northern Europe eat mostly fibre and the people in the Mediterranean diet protects them from heart disease.Stefansson - learned that Copper Intuits did not like the taste of sugar. This was from a story that he had heard and therefore not scientific.Leshem - Compared Bedouin Arabs living in the desert, urban Bedouin Arabs and urban Jewish women. Finding that the Arab women eat more carbohydrates, protein and salt then Jew's in both of the locations.FamiliarityNicklaus et al - found a negative correlation between diet at the age of 2 and 22 but 50% of dietary items have and association  between the two age groups. Showing that familiarity is one reason on what foods we chose to eat. It is hard to establish cause and effect through the correlational analyses. As it was done through questionnaires the person might lie to look good.Birch and Marlin - introduce 2 year old's to new foods over 6 weeks this foods where introduce at different amounts, 20 times, 10 times, 5 times and 1 time. Found that the children preferred the food that was presented most number of times. This was a longitudinal study therefore more data, has face value.MoodPeople crave sweet and starchy foods when feeling low:Classical conditioning - association of feeling low and then trying to compensate for it.Operant conditioning - feelings of pleasure form that consumption of a curtain food is rewarding for this behaviour.Social learning theory - Seeing role models being happy when eating chocolate.Benton and Donohoe - 

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