Writing- Linkers


kj Writing Notiz am Writing- Linkers, erstellt von Maddi Quintanill am 25/05/2016.
Maddi Quintanill
Notiz von Maddi Quintanill, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Maddi Quintanill
Erstellt von Maddi Quintanill vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

Contrast. In spite of / Despite Link two contrasting ideas. Followed by a noun phrase. . Although / (Even) though Link two contrasting ideas. Followed by a sentence. . However / Nevertheless / Still / Yet / Even so / On the contrary / In contrast. Introduce a new idea which marks a contrast with previously stated ideas. Introduced by a comma. . On the one hand ... On the other hand. Links two contrasting ideas / paragraphs. . In contrast to / Contrary to. Link two contrasting ideas. Followed by a noun phrase. . Whereas Link two contrasting ideas. Not separated by commas. Reason and cause. Because / As / Since / Seeing that Introduce a sentence. Subordinate sentences introduced by because always appear in final position. . Because of / On account of / Owing to / Due to. Introduce a noun phrase. Purpose . In order to / So as to Introduce an infinitive of purpose. . In order that / So that Introduce a sentence. Consequence . Consequently / As a consequence / As a result / Therefore . As a consequence of / As a result of Followed by a noun phrase. . So Introduces a sentence. No commas. Addition . Moreover / Furthermore / In addition / Besides / What's more Used after a strong pause and separated from the sentences. They are introduced by a comma. . As well as / In addition to / Besides Used to add one more piece of information. Followed by a noun phrase. . Exemplification For example / For instance Introduces an example referring to previously stated ideas. . Such as Introduces an example referring to the last idea. CONNECTORS Contrast . but / yet: followed by a noun phrase or a sentence. ‘The book is short but / yet interesting’ . in spite of / despite: It is placed at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence. ‘He arrived on time despite / in spite of getting up late’ although / though/ even though / in spite of the fact that: followed by a complete sentence. They can be placed at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence. If it is placed at the beginning we need to use a comma after the clause. ‘Although / though / even though / in spite of the fact that the pupils had not studied, they all passed their exams’. . however, nevertheless, even so, on the one hand, on the other hand, on the contrary: ‘He was quite ill however/ nevertheless/ even so, he went to school’ . while, whereas ‘This film is very interesting, while/whereas that one is quite boring’ Reason and cause . because, as since, seeing that: ‘Because / as / since / seeing that it’s late, we should go home’ . because of, on account of, owing to, due to: ‘Because of / on account of / owing to / due to the weather, we stayed at home’ . in order to, so as to, to: ‘She uses her video in order to / so as to / to record TV programmes’ Add information . for example, for instante, such as: ‘Vegetables are a good source of vitamins: for example / for instance, oranges have vitamin C’ . more over, furthermore, besides, in addition to: ‘In addition to soul music, she likes rap’ . apart from, except for: ‘Apart from English, she speaks French’. Succession . - First of all / Firstly / To begin with / First …. - Second / Secondly / Then … - Third / Thirdly / After that... - The next stage … - Finally / in short / to sum up / in conclusion / lastly / last but not least… Result . As a result of: ‘As a result of his brave action, he was awarded a military medal. Therefore, as a result, consequently, for this reason: ‘Consequently / for this reason, it always passes its annual road test’. OrderFirst parragraph At first sight: A primera vistaFirst: En primer lugarFirst of all: Antes que nadaIn the first place: En primer lugarTo start with: Para empezarSecond parragraph In the second place: En segundo lugarSecond: SegundoSecondly: En segundo lugarThird: TerceroThirdly: En tercer lugarConclusion Finally: Por últimoIn conclusion: Para concluirLastly: Por últimoAnd eventually: Y finalmenteAdding information apart from: Aparte dein addition: Ademásin addition to: Además deWhat’s more: Además; lo que es másmoreover: Ademáson top of that: Ademásbesides: AdemásOn the one hand: Por una parteOn the other hand: Por otra parteand eventually: Y finalmenteContrast all the same: a pesar de todohowever: sin embargoinstead of: en vez dein spite of / despite: a pesar denevertheless: no obstanteon the contrary: por el contrariowhereas / while: mientrasthough / although: aunqueReason because of + noun: a causa dedue to + noun: debido adue to the fact that + sentence: debido a que for this / that reason: por esta / esa razónowing to + noun: debido a owing to the fact that + sentence: debido a queResult as a result: como resultadobecause of: a causa deconsequently: en consecuenciaso: por lo tantothat's why: por eso, por esa razón...therefore: por lo tantoExpressing factsactually: en realidadas a matter of fact: de hechoin fact: de hechoreally: en realidadExpressing a personal opinionas far as I am concerned por lo que a mí respectafrom my point of view desde mi punto de vistaI agree estoy de acuerdoI disagree no estoy de acuerdoin my opinion en mi opiniónin my view según lo veoI think that creo queit is true that es verdad quepersonally personalmenteto be honest, para ser honestoto tell the truth, a decir verdadExplain that is (to say): es decirin other words: en otras palabrasin short: en resumenabove all: sobre todo all in all: en general at least: al menos basically: básicamente, fundamentalmente especially: especialmente, sobre todo essentially: esencialmente in general: en general in particular: en particular more or less: más o menos on the whole: en general to a certain extent: hasta cierto punto Exemplifyingand so on: etcétera for example: por ejemplo for instance: por ejemplo such: as tal(es)como Summarizingall in all: en suma in brief: en resumen in conclusion: Para concluir in short: en resumen on the whole: en general to sum up: Para resumir Sequencingafter that: después de eso all of a sudden: de repente Finally: Finalmente First of all: En primer lugar in the end: al final in the meantime: mientras tanto meanwhile: mientras tanto next: luego suddenly: de repente then: entonces, después while: mientras

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