Religion War and Peace! - created from Mind Map


Notiz am Religion War and Peace! - created from Mind Map, erstellt von shabannahickman am 24/02/2014.
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Pacifism: The belief that any form of violence or war is unacceptable, also being unwilling to use any force or violence.Just War: A war that can be justified according to agreed conditions.War: We mean a violent conflict between groups of people or nations.Peace: We normally mean the absence of war.Peace is about being happy and contended within. Many religious people say that their faith brings them inner peace. Religious people wish for world peace.Causes of War:Territory, Trade, Self Defence, Religious Difference and Power.Many religions teach that, for the most part, violence and war is wrong: but some would add that there are circumstances when believers have to "take up weapons", because not doing so would result in even more unacceptable situations. Religious Teachings:Christians preach a message of peace based on Jesus teachings. Even today the Church of England says that war goes against the teachings and example of Jesus.The Just War Theory:There must be a cause, those attacked must have committed some fault. The war must be started and controlled by a competent and legal authority. War must be the last resort. There must be a reasonable chance of success.Pacifism:Within many religious traditions there are people who are against all forms of war and use of force or violence. They are often called 'pacifists' - because they believe peace is always the best aim and approach.Holy War:Sometimes war occurs because of religious conflict. When a group declares it is fighting a 'holy war' they mean that they believe God is on their side.Muslim Views about Conflict and War:Muslims believe in Jihad. Greater Jihad means being prepared to do something about the injustices we see all around us: Defending the weak from the bulliesSending money to the starving.Lesser Jihad: One meaning of the word 'Islam' is 'peace'. Muslims should work to promote peace.Despite Buddhist violence in countries like Burma and Sri Lanka, Buddhists should be against all wars and violence. The first precept – do not harm another living thing Karma – fighting and war will lead to bad karma and a bad rebirth Metta – war does not show loving kindness Many organisations support victims of war. These include the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement. They offer support to refugees, check on prisoners of war and help when war causes a humanitarian crisis.Dalai Lama – the Buddhist spiritual leader of Tibet who campaigns for Tibetan liberation from Chinese rule. Although forced into exile by the Chinese government, he believes all violence is wrong as it goes against the first precept – not to harm others. He has become an international symbol for peace.  

Religion War and Peace!

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