Developmental - Psychologists


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Molly Stilinski
Notiz von Molly Stilinski, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Molly Stilinski
Erstellt von Molly Stilinski vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

UNIT 1: DevelopmentalExplanations of attachment – ·         Harlow (1959) ·         Schaffer & Emerson (1964) ·         Lorenz (1935) ·         Bowlby (1951) Types of attachment – ·         Ainsworth (1978) ·         Van Ijzendoorn & Kroonenberg (1988) ·         Takahashi (1990) ·         Grossman (1985) Disruption of attachment – ·         Robertson & Robertson (1968) ·         Bowlby (1944) Reversing the effects of deprivation – ·         Skeels & Dye (1939) ·         Hodges & Tizard (1978) ·         Spitz & Wolf (1946) ·         Goldfarb (1947) Failure to form attachments (privation) – ·         Curtiss (1977) ·         Koluchova (1976) ·         Skuse (1984) Early institutional care – ·         Hodges & Tizard (1989) ·         Rutter (1998) The effects of day care on child development – ·         Clarke-Stewart (1994) ·         Shea (1981) ·         Belsky & Rovine (1988) ·         Sylva (2003) ·         Vandell (1998)

Unit 1 - Developmental

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