Dutch War


AS-level History (Louis XIV) Notiz am Dutch War, erstellt von s_phie5 am 05/03/2014.
Notiz von s_phie5, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von s_phie5 vor mehr als 10 Jahre

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BACKGROUND L. wanted a war he could win quickly- gained 40 towns in 22 days territorial concerns on border of span-neth L. saw them as phonatical heretics-protestants He burned their houses, barns, churches, crops=aggressive L. wants revenge of Dutch after switching sides in War of Dev. (dutch duplicity=angry at betrayal) Colbert worried about money/trade- drain the treasurey-keeps ideas to himself to sustain popularity with L. (absolute monarch)

AIMS conquer dutch quickly distrupting trade get revenge-teach them a lesson ministers go along with plans- new minister Pomponne=more aggressive than Lionne (died 1671) L. said he wasnt 'stirring up France's enemies' but 'defending his people'

OTHER COUNTIRES OPNIONS whole of eurpope felt threatened, started to build up an alliance dutch surrendered after 2 months of invasion. L. rejected this, wanted to humiliate them completley and win Leopold ally with dutch 1672. 'I am in for a long war'. (protestant and catholic allies)- military and financial aid the dutch flooded th countryside which slowed the french william of orange

GAINS regained franche comte secured Ghent (Belgium) navy won at sea disrupted trade in the alantic captured 40 towns EARLY STAGES OF WAR=SUCCESSFUL Wilkinson and Levi- criticise L. in Dutch war- long term consequences

LONG TERM CONSEQUENCES france is no. 1 enemy in europe-other countries got involved in alliances L. retained franche comte, st omes, aire, ypres, cambrai- strengthening borders paris bestowed the title 'great' on L. the Elector of Brandenburg declared it was safer to be the friend of france Bluche L. biographer believed war awas provoked by the Dutch when they left their ealier alliance with france Agree- dutch needed to be taught a lesson disagree- france offered surrender terms and ignored them the humiliation of the dutch led to LT problems L. created a coalition alliance agasint his country will.o.o angry at humiliation- bitterness. he leads the league of ausberg and the grand alliance against L.

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