Worked Example target E-C


Personal digital devices
Notiz von Lexie-Heartsit, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Lexie-Heartsit vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

Explain how having access to the internet can enhance a persons work life? (3)

Sample Answer: Being able to use specialist software, such as spreadsheet software makes them more productive. They will be able to collaborate with work colleagues more easily.Thanks to teleconferencing and video conferencing they have to travel to fewer meetings saving time. 

Other possible points: Include, Improve technology and devices- means it is easier to work from home which saves time. They can draw on the expertise of people all over the world.

Target F-E

Peter uses his smartphone to communicate will colleagues at work. State two ways in which Peter might use his smartphone for leisure or travel. (2)

Answers: Look up delayed flights or trains. Go on social networking sites to stay in touch with friends. Send emails or instant messages. Send texts (SMS) or multimedia (MSM). Update or read blogs. Upload images to online Albums.


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