1. What You See isn't What Your Brain Gets


Notiz am 1. What You See isn't What Your Brain Gets, erstellt von Mary Kelly am 27/10/2016.
Mary Kelly
Notiz von Mary Kelly, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Mary Kelly
Erstellt von Mary Kelly vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

There are about 40 million sensory inputs that the brain receives every second. Your brain actually creates shortcuts to quickly make sense of the world. Past experiences help create those shortcuts by guessing what you see. Using shapes and colors help influence what people see or what they think they see. Optical Illusions are an example of how to brain misinterprets what they eyes see. While we only see in 2D, the Visual Cortex is where the brain recognizes patters. When we recognize patterns, we convert a 2D image into a 3D representation. Information like shadows, motion, and color creates tracks form patterns. These tracks are sent to the Visual Cortex and then different regions of the brain process the information.

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