

English Lit Notiz am Quickdraw, erstellt von Kat2001 am 18/04/2014.
Notiz von Kat2001, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Kat2001 vor mehr als 10 Jahre

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Seite 1


QuickdrawAbout: compares the phone calls and texts in a relationship to a gun fight in a western

I wear the two, the mobile and the landline phones,like guns, slung from the pockets on my hips. I'm all alone. You ring, quickdraw, your voice a pellet in my ear, and here me groan.

Suggests. . .-Enjambment gives emphasis to the word by leaving it alone on the line away from the the rest of the sentence-Suggests how rapidly she answers the phone and basically sums up their relationship and the poem-Rhyme links in with 'alone' one the previous line.

Narrator seems to get the worst of these encounters, and is left hurt and wounded                                                                                                                                                                                       What finally finishes the narrator off isn't cruelty but a series of text message kisses which strike her like bullets

-You choose your spot, then blast me-You've wounded me-squeeze the trigger of my tongue

Feelings and Attitudes

Hurt- The western imagery makes the pains of being in a relationship seem quite physical- knocking her down in the final stanza Expectation- Despite the pain that the relationship is causing her the narrator seems desperate to get the messages- answering the phone quickly in the first stanza and fumbling for it in the final one. Tension- The narrator seems on edge throughout the poem

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