

Notiz am Polymorph, erstellt von dstokes am 08/05/2013.
Notiz von dstokes, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von dstokes vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

Polymorph is one of a new generation of commercial polymers set to have a major impact on model making and prototyping. This polymer has all the characteristics of a tough “engineering” material yet it fuses and becomes easily mouldable at just 62°C. It can be heated with just hot water or a hairdryer and moulded by hand to create prototypes and solve manufacturing problems currently outside the capacity of other materials.Uses for Polymorph include: • Moulding of handles and orthopaedic aids • Vacuum forming moulds • Moulds for batch producing other mouldings • Prototype mechanical parts • Armatures / frames for models • Inserts for compliant products • Specialised components - e.g. motor mountings • Moulding of complete products - e.g. torches • Joining components togetherPolymorph can be coloured/dyed using our food-grade colourings. This is achieved by grinding the polymorph granules to a powder then mixing with the dye material before placing into hot water.Comes delivered in bagged, granular form.


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