GCSE How to answer history questions


A Levels History Notiz am GCSE How to answer history questions, erstellt von crazytomguy am 22/04/2014.
Notiz von crazytomguy, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von crazytomguy vor mehr als 10 Jahre

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Seite 1

 You have 14 minutes for an 8 mark question. The time needed is always (number of marks doubled and then take away 2 minutes). Always write in the 3rd person  Always write the other argument first, Some historians may argue. and finish with why it is not the most important cause "it is unlikely that communism is the most important reason as if Germany had a good economy there would be no need for communism or fascism"  On the argument you consider the most important start with however, it is most likely that the most important cause was...  Always relate back to the question, be concise and don't waffle.  Look at the amount of marks and put the amount of information accordingly (8 marks=8 points) with a bit more incase any is incorrect. If you are running out of time add bullet points to show the examiner what you intended to write  Introductions are not so important but conclusions are. end them with "Overall it is most likely that Nazi promises were the most important reason because..."  Remember causes such as the reichstag fire and enabling act were pivotal to Hitlers rise to power  If it is a source based question use Point,Example,Explanation and remember to take a small quote, a few words or so, and then add own knowledge.  Planning and revision are very important- remember you can get past papers off the OCR website or from your teachers.  Write a revision plan with times, subjects and the topic you will be studying- then write bullet points notes on the information, I guarantee this will work. My history teacher advises you spend 5-6 hours of revision a day (split between your subjects) during study leave and the easter holidays  I wish you the very best of luck :D Source: I have a very good History Teacher, who has taught history for 39 years, knows lots of examination officers, and has got a-a* for almost all his GCSE students in the past.  Following these techniques I got A* in my mocks.

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