Chemistry - created from Mind Map_1


Notiz am Chemistry - created from Mind Map_1, erstellt von Gavin Niall am 29/04/2014.
Gavin Niall
Notiz von Gavin Niall, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago Mehr Weniger
Gavin Niall
Erstellt von Gavin Niall vor mehr als 10 Jahre
Gavin Niall
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

Macro Nutrients Oxygen Phosphate Affected By: Nitrates Essential for: Dissolved Inorganic Dissolved Organic Sources Photosyntheses creating cell walls (phospholipids) Energy Transfer Most behavioural form PO43- 80% of total Inorganic P 8.2pH poorly defined Occurs in surface waters due to: Plant decompostion Decomposition and excretion of Marine Animals Natural Weathering of Apatites Anthropogenic Sources Chemical and Biological fertilizers Excretion from farm animals transported to ocean via rivers sewage disposal on coasts The rate of Primary Productivity rate of respiration Photosynthesis by Phytoplankton Sources Surface waters have low levels Deep water is rich in Nitrates Volcanic Activity (NH3) Atmospheric Rivers removed Regeneration Fixation Plants Phytoplankton Carried out by nodular bacteria from land plants insignificant in water column when plants die Nitrogen is released back into water column Euphotic zone rapid removal in spring due to plankton growth Oxidation of organic nitrogen excretion of phytoplankton by fish and zooplankton Pacific Higher Concentrations Water is older thus accumulated more NO3 Attached Study AidsNote - Chemistry - created from Mind Map

E.g. Ca3

NO2 from Nitrogen fixation




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