Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)


International Baccalaureate History Notiz am Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) , erstellt von Callum Paton am 29/04/2014.
Callum Paton
Notiz von Callum Paton, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Callum Paton
Erstellt von Callum Paton vor mehr als 10 Jahre

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Long Term CausesWeakness of government from 1871 Spain had a constitutional monarchy. the king would appoint a prime minister who would have majority in the parliament (Cortes). although the Cortes was elected by the male problem, the elections were always determined by corruption or were rigged. they had two main political parties, the conservatives and the liberals, who were basically the same.Role of the Spanish Army the Army had a powerful political presence in Spain, if they felt the country was in political crisis, they had an obligation to intervene, which they did in 1820, 1871,1923 and 1936, the last intervention causing the civil war. The army was generally disliked due to their reputation for brutality and the high cost of maintaining it, which came out of tax money. Economic causesSpain was an agricultural society and agriculture was their main source of employment, however there were large problems that made it inefficient. it did not provide enough food and work was seasonal. most workers lived in poverty, with the gap between rich and poor being vast, in the south, land was owned in huge estates rule by the "grandees" who dominated the political system. and in the north peasants owned small plots of land which weren't big enough to provide fro them. Riots often broke out in the countryside, the civil guard were sent in to ruthlessly dispel any disorder.   

Short Term CausesThe left republic (1931-1933)in the elections following King Alfonso's departure, the center left party won. Manuel Azana became the president and leading figure of the new regimeAzana's actions:   Attempt to separate Church and state Limiting power of the army by offering early retirement on full pay to officers > this plan backfired due to high costs and radicalization of the remaining officers. Land redistribution program > this also backfired, few families benefited as government ran out of money, the political right saw the program as a threat to landed elite and an attempt to copy the Soviet system    Problems that had existed in Spain for decades were made worse  by the Great Depression  Agriculture prices dropped, exports fell and unemployment rose The right republic (1933-1936) in 1933, power swung to the right the largest party, the CEDA, was modeled after the Nazi party the new regime reversed the reforms of the left  church was put back in control of education and land reform was stopped as economic and political crisis worsened, the right wind disintegrated 

Immediate Causes  a coup had been set by the military fro July 18, 1936 when discovered, the coup was initiated the day before the army was successful in taking over the northern areas, they fail to take control over Madrid and the main industrial areas half the army remained loyal to the republic  


Why did the Nationalists win? United for one common goal. had one leader United under Franco's leadership Business community backed them had assistance from the Nazis and the Fascists

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