
Notiz am MBE. TORTS. DAY 2, erstellt von Sahar Athari am 30/04/2014.
Sahar Athari
Notiz von Sahar Athari, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sahar Athari
Erstellt von Sahar Athari vor mehr als 10 Jahre

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Seite 1

I.     INTENTIONAL TORTS. A.   PRIMA FACIE CASE.                               1.     Act By Defendant.                               2.     Intent.                               3.     Causation.  B.   PRIMA FACIE CASE—INTENTIONAL TORTS TO THE PERSON.                               1.     Battery.                               2.     Assault.                               3.     False Imprisonment.                               4.     Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress. C.   PRIMA FACIE CASE—INTENTIONAL TORTS TO PROPERTY.                               1.     Trespass to Land.                               2.     Tresspass to Chattel.                               3.     Conversion. D.   DEFENSES TO INTENTIONAL TORTS.                               1.     Consent.                               2.     Self-defense, Defense of Others, and Defense of Property.                               3.     Privilege of Arrest.                               4.     Necessity.                               5.     Discipline. II.  HARM TO ECONOMIC AND DIGNITARY INTERSTS. A.   DEFAMATION.                               1.     Defamatory Language.                               2.     “Of or Concerning” Plaintiff.                               3.     Publication.                               4.     Damage to the Plaintiff’s Reputation.                               5.     First Amendment Concerns.                               6.     Defenses to Defamation.                               7.     Mitigating Factors. B.   INVASTION OF RIGHT TO PRIVACY.                               1.     Four Branches.                               2.     Causation.                               3.     Proof of Special Damages Unnecessary.                               4.     Defenses.                               5.     Right of Privacy—Miscellaneous. C.   MISREPRESENTATION.                               1.     Intentional Misrepresentation.                               2.     Negligent Misrepresentation. D.   INTERFERENCE WITH BUSINESS RELATIONS.                               1.     Privileges. E.   WRONGFUL INSTITUTION OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS.                               1.     Malicious Prosecution.                               2.     Abuse of Process. III.         NEGLIGENCE. A.   PRIMA FACIE CASE. B.   DUTY OF CARE.                               1.     Foreseeable and Unforeseeable plaintiffs.                               2.     Specific Situations.                               3.     Standards of Care.                               4.     Duty Regarding Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress.                               5.     Affirmative Duties to Act. C.   BREACH OF DUTY.                               1.     Custom or Usage.                               2.     Violation of Statute.                               3.     Res Ipsa Loquitor. D.   CAUSATION.                               1.     Actual Damages (Causation in Fact).                               2.     Proximate Cause (Legal Causation). E.   DAMAGES.                               1.     Personal Injury.                               2.     Property Damages.                               3.     Punitive Damages.                               4.     Nonrecoverable Items.                               5.     Duty to Mitigate.                               6.     Collateral Source Rule. F.    DEFENSES TO NEGLIGENCE.                               1.     Contributory Negligence.                               2.     Assumption of Risk.                               3.     Comparative Negligence.   IV. LIABILITY WITHOUT FAULT [STRICT LIABILITY]. A.   PRIMA FACIE CASE. B.   LIABILITY FOR ANIMALS.                               1.     Tresspassing Animals.                               2.     Personal Injuries. C.   ABNORMALLY DANGEROUS ACTIVITIES. D.   EXTENT OF LIABILITY.                               1.     Scope of Duty Owed.                               2.     Defenses.   V.   PRODUCTS LIABILITY. A.   BASIC PRINCIPLES.                               1.     Theories of Liability.                               2.     Common Elements. B.   LIABILITY BASED ON INTENT.                               1.     Who Can Sue?                               2.     Damages.                               3.     Defenses.   C.   LIABILITY BASED ON NEGLIGENCE.                               1.     Duty of Care.                               2.     Breach of Duty.                               3.     Causation.                               4.     Nature of Damages Recoverable.                               5.     Defenses. D.   LIABILITY BASED ON STRICT TORT LIABILITY.                               1.     Who Can Sue?                               2.     Who Can be Held Liable?                               3.     Production or Sale of Defective Product.                               4.     Causation.                               5.     Nature of Damages Recoverable.                               6.     Defenses.                               7.     Disclaimers Ineffective. E.   IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS.                               1.     Who Can Sue?                               2.     What Constitutes Breach?                               3.     Causation.                               4.     Damages.                               5.     Defenses.                               6.     Effect of Disclaimer. F.    REPRESENTATION THEORIES.                               1.     Express Warranty.                               2.     Misrepresentation of Fact.   VI. NUISANCE. A.   PRIVATE NUISANCE.                               1.     Substantial Interference.                               2.     Unreasonable Interference.                               3.     Trespass to Land Distinguished. B.   PUBLIC NUISANCE. C.   REMEDIES.                               1.     Damages.                               2.     Injunctive Relief.                               3.     Abatement by Self Help. D.   DEFENSES.                               1.     Legislative Authority.                               2.     Conduct of Others.                               3.     Contributory Negligence.                               4.     Coming to Nuisance. VII.       GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR ALL TORT CASES. A.   VICARIOUS LIABILITY.                               1.     Doctrine of Respondeat Superior.                               2.     Independent Contractor Situations.                               3.     Partners and Joint Venturers.                               4.     Automobile Owner for Driver.                               5.     Bailor for Baillee.                               6.     Parent for Child.                               7.     Tavernkeepers. B.   PARTIES—MULTIPLE DEFENDANT ISSUES.                               1.     Joint and Several Liability.                               2.     Satisfaction and Release.                               3.     Contribution and Indemnity. C.   SURVIVAL AND WRONGFUL DEATH.                               1.     Survival of Tort Actions.                               2.     Wrongful Death.   D.   TORTIOUS INTERFERENCE WITH FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS.                               1.     Husband and Wife.                               2.     Parent-Child.                               3.     Nature of Action. E.   TORT IMMUNITIES.                               1.     Intra-Family Tort Immunity.                               2.     Governmental Tort Immunity.                               3.     Charitable Immunity.

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