Dr Jekyll and Mr hyde


Notiz am Dr Jekyll and Mr hyde , erstellt von kirsty loves SDMN am 08/04/2017.
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Notiz von kirsty loves SDMN, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr HydeThrough out the story of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Jekyll always refers to Mr Hyde being like a separate person. This is possibly because Hyde is the evil part of Jekyll so he doesn't want to think of himself being evil. Another thing is that he creates a completely new profile for Hyde, he gives him an iconic name and he dresses completely differently to Hyde this becomes apparent when its mentioned that Hyde dresses "very plainly"As a reader we can see the real split between Hyde and Jekyll because:1)Jekyll is a kind person you can tell by his profession of a doctor. But his evil side (Mr Hyde) is far from caring he's callous 2)Hyde is a dwarf man but Jekyll is a tall fine built man3) Jekyll is a highly respected man in the social community, Hyde is hated by everyone really people can just look at him and hate him However there are also some qualities of Jekyll that are reflected in Hyde:1)Jekyll's obsession with reputation is in Hyde as well as himself. When Enfield and others threaten to make a scandal out of Hyde trampling the little girl, Hyde pays the family and the over viewers to keep there mouth shut so the story doesn't get released to the press. This is because social status was very important to Victorian gentlemen so if something like that was released it would put shame on his name.2) Hyde is "astute"- he's quick witted. he works out how to get to his drugs when Jekyll mysteriously turns into Hyde in the park. This shows that Hyde as a character is very intelligent just like his other half Jekyll.Jekyll continues to lose control of Hyde- in the begin of the book , wen Jekyll is the stronger part of the two, Jekyll can easily drink the potion and change into Hyde. But as the book progresses, Jekyll has to triple the ingredients so its more powerful. And in the end Jekyll loses all control of change it Hyde this is seen when Jekyll wakes up as Hyde.

Seite 2


Hatred is a big theme that runs throughout the book its the main theme between Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde towards the end. At first, Jekyll is happy with his descovry of hyde because, he can prove that you separate the two side within the human brain and he can Hyde his old self behind this completely new character and no one would know who he is. But by the end Jekyll hates Hyde because he's turned into a nightmare and a murderer. Jekyll finally realises how bad Hyde is when Hyde murders Sir Davies Carew so brutally. Another sign of hatred is why Utter talks to Lanyon after Hyde has changed into Jekyll in front of him. When utter son begins to talk about Jekyll's strange behaviour Lanyon talks about him not wanting to hear his name or anything to do with Jekyll. This surprises Utterson because he knows how close Jekyll and Lanyon were so for Lanyon to act like this shows that Lanyon has a true hatred for Jekyll which is very understandable, because Jekyll is basically the reason for lanyons death

Women Within the book there isn't many female characters. There is, the little girl, the maid and finally the Landlady.

Seite 3

Point- needs to relate directly to -key word monstrous -one sentence only NO EXPLANATION Evidence- Quotations- precise and relevant-5-8 words -""-embedded Explaining- What is the author presenting -How or Why -Name a language feature Analysis- ~Key word: only if you have new something new say! - Dosent have to be long.L=language or structure E= effect on readerT= time period at the bottom.

Seite 4

Good vs Evil the true split between Jekyll and HydeRepressionJekyll's feelings of wanting to be naughty, he doesn't always want to be this picture perfect man.FriendshipsUtterson true friendship to Jekyll when hes in desperate need. when we first Jekyll talk about Hyde he wants Utterson to accept him and to protect him if anything were to happen to Jekyll which shows how afraid Jekyll is of being Hyde because he wants to be protected by utterson.Appearances because of Hyde's shortness and animistic features hes been cast out of the respected society and no one really likes him Lies and Deceit Jekyll lies to everyone in the book hes the main liar which shows that hes untrustworthy. Utterson only lies once in the play and that's when hes speaking to Hyde which could show how much Utterson dislikes Hyde because he doesn't tell him the truth. Religion Satan journey to hell. Hyde represents demons.Science Jekyll uses science to split his two personalizes Women the maid seeing Carew death shows that the women are pictured as weak because she faints after the attack.Mystery Of the split between Jekyll and Hyde.

Seite 5

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