Energy Transfer in Reactions - created from Mind Map


Notiz am Energy Transfer in Reactions - created from Mind Map, erstellt von zenirah09 am 13/05/2014.
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

Exothermic Reaction an EXOTHERMIC REACTION is one which TRANSFERS ENERGY to the surroundings, usually in the form of HEAT and usually shown by a RISE IN TEMPERATURE an example of an exothermic reaction is hand warmers, they use the oxidation of iron in air to generate heat

Endothermic Reaction an ENDOTHERMIC REACTION is one which TAKES IN ENERGY from the surroundings usually in the form of HEAT and is usually shown by a FALL IN TEMPERATURE an example of an endothermic reaction in everyday life is sports injury packs, they take in heat and the pack becomes very cold

Reversible Reactions can be both exothermic and endothermicif the reaction is endothermic in one direction, it will be exothermic in the other

Energy Transfer in Reactions

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