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Ethical Theories Utilitarianism Egoism Virtue Ethics Social Contract Ethics of Care Is it fair to ever assume we understand what is doing the greatest good for the greatest number? Egoism acknowledges a lack of knowledge of others. How do utilitarians know what's best? Assumptions. Nonetheless, still seems the most morally responsible and unbiased route **Personal Conclusion** Society best served by individual pursuit of understood self-interests (Rachels, n.d., p.79) Not an alternative to morality (Bafou, 2011)
Citizen Journalism Twitter revolutions Ethics of personal motives and sensationalism Does the wildfire spreading of hashtag revolutions make it too easy to slide onto and off of the bandwagon? Is there a greasiness to Twitter revolutions? It's as easy to feign interest and commitment in online friendship as it is online activism. Citizen journalism for topical issues isn't far from an exciting video posted by a quasi-friend. The interest is there, influenced by the interest of others, but it isn't necessarily sustainable or meaningful How does this factor into ethical behaviour in online friendship and/or citizen journalism? Can greased content still be factual and produced with integrity? "When information is computerized, it is greased to slide easily and quickly to many ports of call" (Ess, 2013, p. 47).
Practical Ethical Applications Carolina Pad The Ambassador Bridge "Integrity" & Blogging Duty to the public, ethical principles, ROI? Product integration Egoism: Does this theory exempt people from more rational ethical thought and application? To what end can we serve ourselves? Can corporate social responsibility be conducted when operating through an egoism paradigm? Or is it meaningless? Does Mouron's self-interest in the causes he's supporting make it a self-serving CSR act? In true CSR is there a duty to serve the group with the greatest need? Is there always some egoism in CSR pursuits?
Legal versus professional duty CPRS Code of Ethics - IABC Code of Ethics - PRSA Code of Ethics - Performance & ROI versus ethical action
PR Ethics & Law
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