Chemistry Revision


GCSE Chemistry Notiz am Chemistry Revision, erstellt von taylor2em am 15/05/2013.
Notiz von taylor2em, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von taylor2em vor mehr als 11 Jahre

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Seite 1

Chemistry Revision Notes Todays atmosphere is mainly made up of Nitrogen and Oxygen, but the early atmosphere was mainly up of Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapour Pass air through syringes over a heated bit of Copper. The copper reacts with the oxygen in the air to form Copper Oxide. The reaction uses up the oxygen. You can use markers on the syringes to tell how much oxygen has been used up. Sedimentary Rock is put under alot of Heat and Pressure to form Marble Extrusive- Igeneous Rocks cool quickly above ground forming SMALL crystals-basalt Intrusive- Igenous Rock cool slowly under ground forming BIG crystals-granite Thermal Decomposition- Limestone GIVES Calcium Oxide + Carbon Dioxide Thermal Decompostion of Zinc CArbonate GIVES Zinc Oxide + Carbon Dioxide Calcium Hyrdroxide- it neutralises Acids (neutralises acidic soil in the field) Precipiate- the insoluble solid formed from the two solutions reacting Acids have a pH of less than 7 (red to yellow) Acid + Base GIVES Salt + Water Opposites Attract ONLY gases are given off during electrolysis Metal Ore- A metal extracted from its compound Finite- limited Two methods of extracting metals from their ores- Electrolysis and heating with Carbon Bauxite is another name for Aluminuim Ore (its the main ore of aluminuim) Car Bodies (properties of metals) strong and ductile Using Iron straight from the Blast Furnace is BRITTLE (impure iron) Pure Iron is too soft Two Example of Alloys- Steel (Carbon & Iron) is the alloy of Iron AND Zinc,Copper & Nickel is the alloy of Gold Advantages of Recycling- Cheaper, Saves Energy and Conserves Resources (its non-renewable!!) and less waste in landfill Crude Oil- Hydrogen and Carbon (its a mixture of hydrocarbons!!) Combusion- burning with plenty of oxygen Incomplete Combusition of hydrocarbons proudces Carbon Monoxide, Carbon and Carbon dioxide and water which of some is harmful to humans things to consider when finding the best fuel- efficency (energy value), ammount of emmited ash and smoke, storage/transport and how easily it burns Acid Rain- kills trees, damages limestone buildings and kills habitats living in ponds/lakes how to reduce acid rain- remove sulphur from the fuel before burnt (in powerstations) catalytic converters (cleans up exhaust gases in cars) and reduce our usage of fossil fuels

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