Prelapsarian v. Postlapsarian. Milton's Impressionistic Grammar - created from Mind Map_1


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It is our knowledge, as POSTLAPSARIAN beings, that distorts and colours the meaning of some phrases. river described as meandering with "mazy error" "mazy" represents Milton's human confused interpretation of perfection. "error" argues for the order to irregularity, the rightness in wandering.Descriptions of before error was introduced. perhaps suggests that to err is natural..

Milton's semantic use of "unblessed", "unfallen" Connotations of these words are instantly compared to their original forms, "blessed", "fallen" Milton, through his syntax of "innocent" in reference to the snake before Satan enters him, stresses the fallen root of "innocent" to "nocent"- [harmful]. So the snake is ominously "nor nocent yet" Book 1

First description, book 1, the "luxurious", "wanton" growth of the plants in paradise. Suggests A+E's failure to tame the natural, like God in taming A+E Christopher Ricks, "before the fall 'luxurious' is a harmless horticultural word; but its fallen meaning jostles against it here.

"from her husband's hand her hand soft she withdrew" prelapsarian interpretation - delicate hand incapable of guile. postlapsarian interpretation - mixed suggestions of frailty and deceit.

Prelapsarian in book 8 - "wound" is a creative word. "wide was the wound" of Adam's rib in the creation of Eve. This is positive. However, postlapsarian book 9 - "the earth felt the wound". Negative. My "wound" produced by the original sin never heals

Prelapsarian v. Postlapsarian. Milton's Impressionistic Gra…

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