Key Quotes for The Rivals


A Levels English Literature Notiz am Key Quotes for The Rivals, erstellt von Megan Jones am 01/06/2014.
Megan Jones
Notiz von Megan Jones, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Megan Jones
Erstellt von Megan Jones vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

"Men are all barbarians"Mrs Malaprop

"I should regard every mirthful moment in your absence as a treason to constancy" Faulkland

"The fortune is saddled with a wife"Sir Anthony

"If her love prove true and sterling ore" Faulkland

"All this is the natural consequence of teaching girls to read"Sir Anthony

"the pine-apple of politeness!"Mrs Malaprop

"Be assured I throw the original from my heart as easily!"Lydia

"My name is Saunderson, at your service."Jack

"Commend me to a mask of silliness."Lucy

"Slip, slide, coupee!"Bob Acres

"So mind, young people. Our retrospection will now be all to the future"Mrs Malaprop

"Whose intellectual accomplishments, elegant manners and unaffected learning no tongue is silent."Jack

"O, how unlike my Beverly!...Truly he seems a very negligent wooer!"Lydia

"My heart has long known no other guardian."Julia

"Twill be best to leave her as a toy for some less cautious fool to sigh for"Faulkland

"If you have the estate, you must take it with the livestock on it, as it stands!"Sir Anthony

"I'll give you my Delia into the bargain"Sir Lucius

"Man's social happiness all rests on us"Julia

"Love guilds the scene, and women guide the plot."Julia

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