Small Zoos


Zoo Animals Notiz am Small Zoos, erstellt von serenacutbill am 18/05/2013.
Notiz von serenacutbill, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von serenacutbill vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

Zoos contribution to education is expected to be proportionate to size and type of zoo

Legislation allows zoos to decide for themselves how to best meet requirements

Minimum Standards from SSSMZP:1. Zoos must have a written education strategy and an active education programme2. Suitable facilities should be available for educational purposes3. Accurate information about the species exhibited must be available

Inspectors cannot assess every individual element of education work. But they will look at quality of work, diversity, and quantity of activities

Dispensation status = if the zoo has been given specific targets/guidelines that are tailored to them

Common sense and judgement must be applied

Zoos must provide accurate info about the species exhibited

Minimum standards can be interpreted in different ways

Zoo Licensing Act 1981 requires all zoos to participate in conservation

In particular, to inspire public interest in nature and to play a role in breeding of endangered species

SSSMZP states contribution to conservation should be proportionate to size of zoo

Zoos Forum Guidance aims to advise zoos on minimum contribution they must make

Zoo Licensing Act 1981 gives differing options for conservation measures. This enables zoos to decide for themselves how they wish to contribute

Extract from ZLA:1A. The following are conservation measures to be implemented in zoos in accordance with this act - a) Participating in at least one of the following:i) Research from which conservation benefits accrue to species of wild animalsii) Training in relevant conservation skillsiii) The exchange of information relating to the conservation of species of wild animalsiv) Where appropriate, breeding of wild animals in captivity; andv) Where appropriate, the repopulation of an area with, or the reintroduction into the wild of wild animalsPeriods and conditions of license:5 (2) A license under this Act shall be granted subject to conditions requiring the conservation measures referred to in section 1A to be implemented at zoo

Specimens listed on Annex A must have an Article 10 sales exemption certificate

Before they can be used commercially, purchased and offered, transported or kept for sale

The sale of Annex B specimens is not prohibited unless the seller does not possess documentary evidence that the specimens were imported or acquired legally

2 types of Article 10 certificate: A Holders certificate allows an Annex A specimen to be used for specific commercial purposes whilst it is in the ownership of the holder. It also covers one of the specimen by the holder. Any new owner would then need to apply for their own Article 10 Certificate if they wished to use the specimen for commercial purposes or sell on A Breeders certificate is issued to the breeder of the specimen. This certificate allows the specimen to be used for specified commercial purposes and it is not owner specific. Certificate should be passed from keeper to keeper. Cannot be re-issued and ceases to be valid when lost. A semi-complete 'Breeders Certificate' may be issued to a breeder that is anticipated to be bred from

Many small zoos have: - retired zoo animals, old zoo animals, wild animals kept as pets, animals from zoos which have been shut-down, sick/injured animals

Most small zoos are charities

Raise funds by: fund raising, talks, school visits, shows, visitors, events, sponsorship

They are of great value to the zoo community - they offer animals a place to go

Often struggle to survive

They are small and can offer individual care. Know the animal's personally

Community: Many small zoos offer days out for the family They work as part of community holding events on public holidays They offer work placements to 14-16 year olds, college students, young adults with learning or behavioural difficulties

Education & Public Awareness


CITES Article 10 Certificate

Value of Small Zoos

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