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India turned around from a net importer to a net exporter of ........for the first time.
software outsourcig
agricultural products
solar based equipments
As of Mar 17, ..........% of the advances of the banking system were stressed.
The real GVA growth is projected to rise from 6.6 % in 2016-17 to ...........% in 2017-18.
RBI's ........data set could be quickly transformed in to a Public credit register (PCR) covering customers of Scheduled Commercial Banks.
Basic statistical returns 1
Basic Statistical returns 2
sec 42 CRR data
BSR 1, BSR 2 both
in the power sector, 27 states /UTs joined UDAY issuing bonds worth 2.32 trillion. Which are the 3 states those have not joined the UDAY.?
West Bengal, Odisha, Nagaland
Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim
West Bengal, Odisha, Punjab
Odisha, Nagaland, Kerala
The base year for the WPI, CPI and IIP is now same. it is...
"Incentivising Pulses production th rough Minimum Support Price (MSP) and related policies " report was published in 2016 under the chairman ship of.....
Dr. Arvind Subramanian
Dr. Urjit Patel
Dr. Y K Alag
D P Rath
A new use-based category namely ................has been introduced while 'basic goods' have been re christened as primary goods in revised IIP calculations.
infrastructure / construction goods
consumer duerable
intermediate goods
basic goods
Service Sector Composite Index (SSCI) is published by..........
World Bank
Inflation can be decomposed into two components : core and non-core. Non core reflects short term price movements, core acts as a signal for persistent movements in inflation. central banks generally monitor....
core inflation
non core inflation
A standing technical review committee to be chaired by secretary, .................has been set up for an on-going revision of IIP.
DEA and DFS both
A high level standing technical review committee headed by secretary, ........has been set up to review and dynamically updated the item basket with the changing structure of the economy.
For 2016-17, Reserve Money (RM) contracted by around ....% for the first time after 1952.
issuance of commercial paper (CP) increased by around ....% during 2016-17
Indian companies mobilised Us$........million through offshore rupee denominated bonds (Masala bonds) during 2016-17.
To evaluate whether the INR is fairly valued, following approach/es adopted, viz...
Productivity based ( Balassa Samuelson effect)
Sustainable Current Account approach
proceeds from .........-amounting to 477 billion Rs were the highest in any financial sector so far.
services outsourcing
Agriculture production
Trade and industry
GFD-GDP ratio target should not exceed .....percentage points in a year
FRBM review committee (N K Singh) recommended..
setting up of autonomous fiscal council under MINISTRY OF FINANCE
ceiling for Govt debt to 60% of GDP (40% for central , 20% state)
adoption of best international practices for compilation, presentation of fiscal accounts
fiscal deficit to brought down to 2.5% by 2022-23
revenue deficit-GDP ratio is projected to decline by 0.25% each year to reach 0.8% by 2022-23
all the above
.....billion have been allocated by GOI to Public sector banks under Indradhanush plan.
India's foreign exchange reserves covered for 11.3 months of imports and were the ......th largest in the world.
Total foreign exchange reserves stood at the end of 2016-17 at USD ....... Billion(its USD 386 billion at end june 17) whereas Gross FDI to India reached an all time high of USD ........... billion
370 , 60
60, 370
470, 70
670, 60
India stood at .....position for greenfield FDI in 2016 and .....position in favourite host country for FDI for 2017-19.
1 , 3
3, 1
3 ,3
Revised liquidity mgnt framework was implemented by RBI in....
April 2016
Aug 2016
Jun 16
RBI Act was amended wef...
June 27, 2016
Aug 5, 2016
Feb 14,2016
in case of failure to secure inflation target for ......consecutive quarters RBI has to provide reasons,remedies and the time required to regain.
Operating target of Monetary policy is....
Weighted Avg call rate
Weighted avg lending rate
Incremental CRR of 100% on increase in NDTL of banks between sept 16 to nov 11 was applied between
Nov 26 to dec 9
Nov 26 to dec 10
sept 16 to nov 11
Nov 26 to dec 30
Basel III : LCR was introduced in a phased manner beginning from Jan 2015 from 60% to .........to 100%
Jan 2019
Jan 2018
Jan 2021
No date
As of now, LAF Corridor and Policy corridor are .... and.....respectively.
0.25, 0.25
Govt was requested to enhance the limit of securities issuable under the MSS to .......billion from 300 billion.
RBI has allowed to carve out .....% of SLR.
Which of the following is not the recommendation of committee on medium term path on Financial inclusion
Creating BC registry
certifications for BCs
accreditation of credit counsellors
formation of FIAC.
PSLCs are traded on eKuber. which of the following can not trade these
payment banks
small finance banks
co operative banks
Scheduled commercial banks
.....has been set as a registering authority for rolling out the certified credit counselors scheme of RBI's framework for accreditation of credit counselors.
Work process innovation viz, intoduction of LAPS for speedy processing and sanction of MSME loans has been decided. what is LAPS?
Lending automation processing system
Lending automation processing scheme
Loan automation processing system
Loan automation processing scheme
BC registry and BC certification will be done by....organization. For BC certification it has set up a governing council comprising members from IBA NABARD and 2 from academics and experts from industry.
A movable asset registry was launched by the central registry of securitisation asset reconstruction and security interest of India (CERSAI) to facilitate lending to the MSME sector under which act??
Companies act
A proposed strategy of NSFI (National strategy of Financial Inclusion) includes
developing physical and digital infra
regulatory framework
financial awareness
grievance redressal
scientific assessment
all above
Banks were advised to conduct .....FLCs per month
the pilot project on setting up of CFLs is being commissioned in ......states across.....blocks by NGOs in collaboration with Sponsor banks.
9, 80
collection of data from banks by RBI through ADEPT will be initiated soon. ADEPT stands for...
Automated Data extraction project
Automated document extraction project
Automatic document extraction project
Entities with forex exposure of up to USD.........million would be permitted under simplified hedging facility.
Start up companies were permitted to raise funds by isuing convertible notes to persons resident outside india for an amount of RS ........million or more in a single tranche for up to 5 years.
Foreign investment permitted up to .......% for market place model and other financial services where as it is prohibited in inventory based model of e-commerce.
A BRICS seminar on "investment flows-challenges, opportunities and road ahead" was organised in Mumbai with "FOREX FOR YOU " theme with collaboration of....
Ministry of finance
both SEBI and MoF
IAC recommended that all accounts with an outstanding amount greater that Rs 50 billion and with more than 60% clasified as NPA by banks as on .............be resolved using the new IBC.
31 Mar 2016
31 Mar 2017
31 DEC 2016
day of formation of IAC
RBI identified set of ..............financial conglomerates (FCs) for monitoring purposes.
Which of the following combinations are not correct. A. CRILC -5cr + B. CRILC (Fraud) - 50 Cr + C. CDR 10 Cr + D. JLF - 100 Cr+ E. S4A- 500 Cr+ F. O.C. - 500 Cr+ G. IBC -5000 Cr+
All combinations are correct
A and B should interchange amounts, others correct
ONLY D is incorrect
FSU coordinated stress testing of banks through Financial sector assessment programme (FSAP) conducted by...
IMF and World BANK jointly
IBC's institutional infrastructure comprises 4 pillars, which is not one of them...
insolvency professionals
information utilities
adjudicating authorities like NCLT and DRTs
all of the above are pillars
On liquidation, priority of distribution of proceeds will be given to costs of insolvency then workmen's dues for the preceding ............months, finally government's dues.
Large exposures framework is effective from.................where as exposure of CCP's and IND AS are effective from.......
Apr 1, 2019 and Apr 1, 2018
Apr 1, 2018 all
Apr 1, 2019 , apr 1, 2021
Apr 1, 2021, Apr 1, 2018
Fixed deposits accepted by IBUs from non-banks cannot be repaid prematurely within .................year.
As per the IND AS guidelines, .........1 ......, ......2...... .....3.......expected credit loss (ECLs) are recognized for stage 1,stage 2 and stage 3 respectively.
12 months, lifetime and lifetime
lifetime, 12 months, lifetime
24 months life time, lifetime
Wholesale and long term finance banks will NOT have Which of the following characteristics.....
initial min capital of RS 10 billion
negligible lending exposure
no saving accounts, term deposits of above Rs 100 million
exemption from SLR
Exemption from Mandatory rural presence and PSL
all Are the characteristics.
Banking ombudsman for NBFCs is proposed under SEC 45 L of RBI act. which of the following NBFCs will not come under the scheme...
NBFC Factor
all ABOVE will not come under the purview of the BO
the..........will subsume DICGC under The financial resolution and deposit insurance bill, 2017
Resolution Corporation
Financial resolution corporation
Deposit corporation
Nodal agency for CLSS is NHB and implementing agency for the same is/are...?
Both SIDBI and Nabard
CSF and GRF (consolidated sinking fund and guarantee redemption fund) are risk management measures to be maintained by....
Central govt
Reserve Bank adopts ...........model for distribution of the bank notes across the country where as it adopts .........model for estimation of demand for the currency.
Hub and spoke , econometric
econometric, hub and spoke
econometric models in both
hub and spoke model in both
Who designs the proforma for collection of Fake Indian Currency Note (FICN)...?
Respective banks
National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), Ministry of home affairs
Ministry of Finance
The total expenditure incurred on security printing stood at RS.....Billion for the July 16- June 17.
High level steering committee on indigenisation of security features of bank notes under chairman ship of........was formed.
R Gandhi
s s mundra
r rajen
There are............MCIR cheque processing centre location in the country as of now.
nil or zero
up to June 2017, ...........entities including banks and non banks were granted in principle approval to BBPOU.
The e-receipt and e-payments system have been adopted by ..................and..............state governments respectively by end june 17.
............is the chairman of IT Sub committee
Natarajan Chandrasekaran
Mnish Sbharwal
Rajiv Kumar
Bharat Doshi
Which of the following is not true about allocation of funds by RBI... A) ReBIT and ADF - 0.50 Billion RS each B) NHB and BRBNPL - 10 Billion RS each C) Contingency fund - 131.40 Billion Rs D) National industrial / Rural / Housing credit - 10 million each. E) Dr B. R. Ambedkar fund - RS 0.01 billion
All are correct
exchange B with D, remaining correct
.............represents the amount set aside on a year to year basis for meeting unexpected and unforeseen contingencies.
Contingency fund
Meetings of the A) Central Board - 6 in a year (at least 1 in each quarter) B) Joint mechanism - half yearly C) MPC - at least 4 in a year D) BFS - Monthly
B is wrong..it should be as and when required
all are correct
D is wrong, it should be quarterly.
B and D are wrog
As per the RBI act, foreign currency and foreign exchange are defined under.....
FERA and FEMA as per amended act
Regional Rural Bank is defined under
RRB act
BR act
How many directors are appointed by Central govt in central board.?
RBI can make loans to Warehouse corporation repayable on demand or on the expiry of ...........days against securities of govt.
not mentioned
Ways means and advances are granted to ..........in terms of section 17(5) of the RBI act.
Central and State govts
union territories
central govt only
public sector undertakings
there are............chapters and ......schedules in RBI ACT.
5, 2
RBI can direct exclusion of the scheduled bank form the second schedule if the aggregate deposits and reserves fall below...
300 cr
1 cr
100 cr
5 lakh
The official directors of the Reserve bank are
Governor and not more than four deputy governors
GOI nominees
local board mebers
executive directors
under chapter IIIB of the RBI ACT, Deposit includes
amounts received from a scheduled bank
amounts raised by way of share capital
subscription in respect of a chit fund
The BFS oversees the functioning of
DBS, DNBS, Financial institutions, division and gives directions on the regulatory sans supervisory issues
ALL the specialized departments
commercial and co-operative banks and their boards
RBI can be liquidated
in the manner provided in the companies act
only by an order passed by high court
if so decided by central board of directors
Is a NBFC accepting deposits required to maintain % of assets in approved securities under the RBI act??
only Non deposit accepting NBFCs need to maintain
Export credit refinance extended by Bank to schedule banks is repayable
on demand only
on demand or up to period of 90 days
on demand or up to period of 180 days
RBI can act as a agent for specified businesses for any of the following except....
Central or state govts
local authorities
government of a foreign countr
any person approved by central govt
for all of the above it can act as a agent
CRR is imposed on the scheduled banks having regard to
monetary stability of the country
depositors interest
credit needs of the economy
public interest
the clean note policy and the note refund rules are envisaged under sections.....and ....of the RBI ACT
27 , 28
Who can issue promissory note payable on demand..
Commercial banks
RBI and central govt only
how much gold coin and bullion held as assets of issue department can be held abroad...
up to 85%
up to 15%
up to 50%
on RBI's descretion
the liabilities of issue department are
total of the bank notes in circulation for time being
total of the currency of the GOI
both above
Which of the following WILL NOT invalidate the proceedings of monetary policy committee
A) Vacancy or defect in constitution of MPC
B) Defect in appointment of members
C) irregularity in procedures
A B C Only
the amount of loan granted to warehousing corp against bonds and debentures issued by the corporation shall not any time exceed in the aggregate.........in case of central ware housing corporation AND ........in case of state warehousing corporation
3 Crore and 50 lakh
50 Crore and 3 lakh
3 Lakh and 50 Crore
RBI can make loan to scheduled bank or state co op bank against promissory notes of such banks, repayable on demand or on the expiry of fixed periods not exceeding .............days.
180 days
6 months
90 days
RBI cant grant loans to Scheduled bank or State co op bank
Which of the following penalty can be imposed by RBI on non maintenance of CRR.?
3% FINE above Bank rate above short amount
5% FINE above Bank rate above short amount
500 Rs FINE to every director, mgr, secy.
Prohibit from receiving deposits
100 Rs FINE per day
All above excluding 100 RS FINE per day
Company shall , within...........months of fulfilling the requirement of net owned fund , inform to RBI about such fulfillment.
3 months
1 month
Who can issue demand bills and notes?
B) Central Govt
C) Any other person, authorized by Central govt in this behalf
D) A and B only
E) A, B and C
in the event of failure of NBFC to pay the sum within 30 days, may be levied on a direction made by the.............having jurisdiction in the area where registered office or head office of company is situated.
A) Principle civil court
B) Metropolitan Magistrate
C) Judicial Magistrate of first class or a court superior there to
D) both B and C
if a person contravenes section 45E by disclosing the credit information, he shall be punishable to imprisonment which may extend to .........or with fine which may extend to .........or with both.
6 months, 1000
3 years, 2000
6 months, 2000
2 years, 2000
................can permit a Governor or a Deputy Governor to undertake a honorary part time work.
Central Board
Central Govt
Central Board in consultation with central Govt
Governor and DG needs to devote their whole time to affairs of RBI only, so its not allowed
........is a rate at which RBI is prepared to buy or re-discount bills of exchange or other commercial paper eligible for purchase under RBI act.
Bank Rate
Base Rate
Repo Rate
Reverse Repo Rate