Physiological splitting of the second heart sound is best audible in which one of the following situations?
A decrescendo murmur is most likely to be associated with which one of the following valve defects?
Pulmonary stenosis
Aortic Regergitation
Mitral stenosis
Ventricular septal defect
The murmur of pulmonary stenosis will radiate to which one of the following locations?
The carotid arteries
The axilla
Under the left clavical
Eurb's point
An "opening snap" is associated with which one of the following?
Left ventricular hypertrophy
Bicuspid aortic valve
Aortic stenosis
Ejection Clicks are most likely to be associated with which one of the following?
Calcified aortic valve
A bicuspid aortic valve
Flow murmurs
A third heart sound occurs at which one of the following locations within the cardiac cycle?
Early diastole
Late diastole
Early systole
Late systole
The term holosystolic murmur refers to which one of the following situations?
A murmur which is caused by a septal defect, eg a hole in the heart
A murmur which gradually increases then decreases in volume as systole progresses
A murmur which is present for the complete duration of systole
A murmur which worsens when a person lays flat.
An S4 sound is created by which one of the following situations?
Increased blood volume
Increased flow
Left atrial hypertophy
Ventricualr Fibrosis (Poorly compliant ventricle)
The detection of Mitral stenosis can be optimised by the aid of which one of the following?
The patient held in deep inspiration
Leaning forwards
Lying on the left side
Reverse splitting of the second heart sound can be caused by which one of the following?
Left bundle branch block
Right bundle branch block
Reflex tachycardia
Aortic Stenosis