Alexandra Bozan
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Unit IV: Promoting Health Across the Lifespan Chapter 19: The Aging Adult

Alexandra Bozan
Erstellt von Alexandra Bozan vor fast 7 Jahre

Chapter 19: The Aging Adult

Frage 1 von 22


A nurse caring for adults in a physician's office notes that some patients age more rapidly than other patients of the same age. The nurse researches aging theories that attempt to describe how and why aging occurs. Which statements apply to the immunity theory of aging ?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Chemical reactions in the body produce damage to the DNA

  • Free radicals have adverse effects on adjacent molecules

  • Decrease in size and function of the thymus causes infection

  • There is much interest in the role of vitamin supplementation

  • Lifespan depends on a great extent to genetic factors

  • Organisms wear out from increased metabolic functioning


Frage 2 von 22


A nurse caring for older adults in a long-term care facility knows that several physical changes occur in the aging adult. Which characteristics best describe these changes?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Fatty tissue is redistributed

  • The skin is drier and wrinkles appear

  • Cardiac output increases

  • Muscle mass increases

  • Hormone production increases

  • Visual and hearing acuity diminishes


Frage 3 von 22


Based on Erikson's theory, middle adults who do not achieve their developmental tasks may be considered to be in stagnation. Which statement is one example of this finding?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • I am helping my parents move into an assisted living faciltiy

  • I spend all of my time going to the doctor to be sure I am not sick

  • I have enough money to help my son and his wife when they need it

  • I earned this gray hair and I like it


Frage 4 von 22


Which of the following nursing diagnoses would be appropriate for many middle adults?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Risk for imbalanced nutrition: Less than body requirements

  • Delayed growth and development

  • Self-Care Deficit

  • Caregiver Role Strain


Frage 5 von 22


An experienced nurse tells a younger nurse who is working in a retirement home that older adults are different and do not have the same desires, needs, and concerns as other age groups. The nurse also comments that most older adults have "outlived their usefulness" What is the term for this type of prejudice?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Harrassment

  • Whistle blowing

  • Racism

  • Ageism


Frage 6 von 22


A nurse who is caring for older adults in a senior daycare center documents findings as related to which normal aging process?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • A patient's increased skin elasticity causes wrinkles on the face and arms

  • Exposure to sun over the years causes a patient's kin to be pigmented

  • A patient's toenails have become thinner with a bluish tint to the nail beds

  • A patient experiences a hip fracture due to porous and brittle bones

  • Fragile blood vessels in the dermis allow for more easy bruising of a patient's forearm

  • Increased bladder capacity causes decreased voiding in an older patient


Frage 7 von 22


A nursing instructor teaching classes in gerontology to nursing students discusses myths related to the aging of adults. Which statements is a myth about older adults?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Most older adults live in the their own homes

  • Healthy older adults enjoy sexual activity

  • Old age means mental deterioration

  • Older adults want to be attractive to to others


Frage 8 von 22


What is the leading cause of cognitive impairment in old age?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Stroke

  • Malnutrition

  • Alzheimer disease

  • Loss of cardiac reserve


Frage 9 von 22


A nurse is caring for a 80-year-old female patient who is living in a long-term care facility. To help this patient adapt to her present circumstances, the nurse is using reminiscence as therapy. Which question would encourage reminiscence?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Tell me about how you celebrated Christmas when you were young

  • Tell me how you plan to spend your time this weekend

  • Did you enjoy the choral group that performed here yesterday

  • Why don't you want to talk about your feelings?


Frage 10 von 22


Following a fall that left an elderly male patient temporarily bedridden, the nurse is using the SPICES assessment tool to evaluate him for cascade iatrogenesis. Which are correct aspects of this tool?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • S - Senility

  • P - Problems with feeding

  • I - Irritableness

  • C - Confusion

  • E - Edema of the legs

  • S - Skin breakdown


Frage 11 von 22


The nurse is assigned to care for a client 87 years of age admitted to the medical unit for congestive heart failure. It is the fourth hospital day, and the response to treatment has been good. The client is no longer short of breath, and the lung sounds are clearing. There is still a diet restriction of a decrease in sodium and fluids are limited to no more than 1000 mL per day. The nurse is preparing the client and family for discharge. Your discharge education, in order to promote the older's client health, will include which of the following?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Take several naps during the day

  • Do not use the salt shaker at meals

  • Gradually increase activities as tolerated

  • Increased stress may interfere with recovery


Frage 12 von 22


A nurse is caring for an older client who has been confined to bed for several weeks following a fall. The client has been exhibiting symptoms of sundowner's syndrome. Which of the following are characteristics of sundowner's syndrome?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Napping during the daytime

  • Awakening more frequently

  • Requiring longer time to fall asleep

  • Feeling agitated and wakeful at night


Frage 13 von 22


You are assessing a middle aged adult age 48. You recall the changes that occur in middle age as you complete your physical and cognitive examination. Changes that occur include what?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Loss of fatty tissue

  • Visual acuity changes with myopia

  • Cardiac output decreases

  • Low-pitched sounds are more difficult.


Frage 14 von 22


A public health nurse is participating in a health fair that is being held at a local community center. The nurse should encourage adult participants to completely eliminate which of the following from their diet and their lifestyle?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Alcohol

  • Cholesterol

  • Smoking

  • Salt


Frage 15 von 22


A nurse is developing a plan of care for a client who recently lost his spouse. Which of the following would be most appropriate for the nurse to suggest to help the client cope with his loss?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Maintaining nutritional intake

  • Remaining active in the community

  • Validating his needs

  • Seeking support from his faith


Frage 16 von 22


The middle adult is sometimes called the sandwich generation. According to Erikson, the developmental task of the middle adult is what?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Goal attainment vs crisis

  • Initiative vs guilt

  • Generativity vs stagnation

  • Ego-integrity vs despair


Frage 17 von 22


When completing an assessment, especially of the older adult, the nurse knows the importance of including spiritual development. Older adults have completed moral development and many experience self-transcendence, which may be defined as what?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • A state of consciousness with lower levels of tension, anxiety and increased tolerance of frustration

  • an ability to leave the past behind, but still face the future without fear of the unknown

  • capability to reach beyond prior limits with more awareness of other people's values and beliefs

  • the ability to traverse life's difficulties with ease


Frage 18 von 22


The nurse is completing the admission of a confused older adult to the Alzheimer's unit. As the nurse removes her arm from the gown, there is noticeable bruising in various stages on both sides of her shoulders and arms. As the nurse continues with the examination, the daughter explains loudly, "Mom is always banging into the door". You acknowledge her, complete the assessment, and chart your findings. What else should you do?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Mark the front of the paper record, or flag the electronic record with an abuse alert

  • Discuss your concerns with your immediate supervisor

  • Report your suspicion of elder abuse to the abuse hotline

  • go back and talk to the client by herself


Frage 19 von 22


The nurse understands that when caring for the older adult it is important to assist in maintaining independence and self-esteem. Assisting a client to adjust to a walker or wheelchair is an example of supporting which of Erikson's developmental task of an older adult?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Adaptation to age and preservation of self

  • Ego integrity and coping with reality of limitations

  • Prevention of injury and safety in navigation

  • Functional adaptation and self-awareness


Frage 20 von 22


An older adult is admitted to the health care facility with a diagnosis of depression. The nurse would be especially alert for which of the following?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Poor cognitive performance

  • Sleep problems

  • Suicidal thoughts

  • Lack of initiative


Frage 21 von 22


When completing an assessment of a middle aged adult, the nurse makes note of the client's cognitive development. The nurse would expect to find what?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Memory processing is quickly reviewed

  • Increased motivation to learn

  • Clients want to appear competent

  • Decreasing ability to focus and solve problems


Frage 22 von 22


A home care nurse visits an older client with dementia due to Alzheimer's disease. As a result of the client' confused thinking, the client is experiencing extreme difficulty in communicating with family members. Which intervention would be most appropriate for this client?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Orient the client to reality

  • Provide appropriate sensory appliances

  • Maintain levels of sensory stimulation

  • Validate the client's current needs
