Alexandra Bozan
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UNIT III: Person-Centered Care and the Nursing Process Chapter 5: Culture & Diversity

Alexandra Bozan
Erstellt von Alexandra Bozan vor fast 7 Jahre

Chapter 5: Culture & Diversity

Frage 1 von 30


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is the primary means of transmitting culture.


Frage 2 von 30


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The group has the most ability to control the values and sanctions of the society. It usually is (but doesn't have to be) the group in the society.


Frage 3 von 30


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Mutual also occurs, with both groups taking on some characteristics of the other.


Frage 4 von 30


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Cultural blindness is true of the health care system, especially in regard to of care.


Frage 5 von 30


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Health care researchers have discovered that many of the expressions and behaviors exhibited by people in pain .


Frage 6 von 30


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Pain is what the says it is, and every of pain should be assessed carefully.


Frage 7 von 30


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Guidelines often discourage using or as translators.


Frage 8 von 30


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When assessing the possible causes of a patient's decreased appetite, try to determine whether the problem may be related to .


Frage 9 von 30


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refer to health differences between groups of people.


Frage 10 von 30


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An effective way to identify specific factors that influence a patient's behavior is to perform a .


Frage 11 von 30


Nurses caring for patients in health care facilities need to provide culturally competent care to an increasingly diverse population. Which statement accurately describe a characteristic of cultural diversity that exists in the United State?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • The US has become less inclusive of same-sex couples

  • cultural diversity is limited to people of varying cultures and races

  • cultural diversity is separate and distinct from health and illness

  • individuals may be members of multiple cultural groups at one time

  • culture guides what is acceptable behavior for people in a specific group

  • cultural practices may evolve over time but mainly remain constant


Frage 12 von 30


In order to provide culturally competent care, nurses must be alert to factors inhibiting sensitivity to diversity in the health care system, including cultural imposition. Which examples exemplify cultural imposition?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • A hospital nurse tells a nurse's aid that patient's shouldn't be given a choice whether or not to shower or bathe daily

  • A nurse treats all patients the same whether or not they come from a different culture

  • A nurse tells another nurse that Jewish diet restrictions are just a way for them to get a special tray of their favorite foods

  • A Catholic nurse insists that a patient diagnosed with terminal bladder cancer see the chaplain in residence

  • A nurse directs interview questions to an elderly patient's daughter even though the patient is capable of answering them

  • A nurse refuses to care for a married gay man who is HIV positive because she is against same-sex marriage


Frage 13 von 30


A nurse caring for culturally diverse patients in a physician's office is aware that patients of certain cultures are more prone to specific disease states than the general population. Which patients would the nurse screen for diabetes mellitus based on the patient's race?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • a native american patient

  • an african american patient

  • a pacific island patient

  • an asian patient

  • a white patient

  • a hispanic patient


Frage 14 von 30


A nurse is providing nutritional counseling in culturally diverse patients with dietary restrictions. Which statement accurately describes a dietary concern based on a specific culture?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Many Native Americans follow a diet that is alcohol and pork free

  • Many White Americans have a diet that is high in starch

  • Asians often eat a diet that is high in salt

  • Muslims may have specified diets based on the hot/cold theory of treating illness


Frage 15 von 30


The nurse practitioner sees patients in a community clinic that is located in a predominately White neighborhood. After performing assessments on the majority of the patients visiting the clinic, the nurse notes that many of the minority groups living within the neighborhood have lost the cultural characteristics that made them different. What is the term for this process?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Cultural assimilation

  • Cultural imposition

  • Culture shock

  • Ethnocentrism


Frage 16 von 30


The nurse states, That woman is 78 years old, too old to learn how to change a dressing. What is the nurse demonstrating?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Cultural imposition

  • Clustering

  • Cultural competency

  • Stereotyping


Frage 17 von 30


A nurse is interviewing a newly admitted patient. Which question would be considered culturally sensitive?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Do you think you will be able to eat the food we have here?

  • Do you understand that we can't prepare special meals?

  • What types of food do you eat for meals?

  • Why can't you just eat our food while you are here?


Frage 18 von 30


A nurse is telling a new mother from African that she shouldn't carry her baby in a sling created from a large rectangular cloth. The African woman tells the nurse that everyone in Mozambique carries babies this way. The nurse believes that bassinets are safer for infants. What term best describes what the nurse is doing?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Cultural imposition

  • clustering

  • cultural competency

  • stereotyping


Frage 19 von 30


A nurse is teaching a novice nurse how to provide culturally competent care to patients in a culturally diverse community health clinic. Although all of the following are important to providing culturally competent nursing care, which one is most basic?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Learning the predominant language of the community

  • Obtaining significant information about the community

  • Treating each patient at the clinic as an individual

  • Recognizing the importance of the patient's family


Frage 20 von 30


A nurse is caring for an appalachian client following her hysterectomy. Which of the following appalachian values and beliefs should be considered when planning nursing care for the client?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • There is a deep love, respect and affection between people and the land

  • Dependence and self-determination are valued

  • They may be fatalistic about losses and death

  • Lifestyle is more revered than compliance with health care issues

  • Isolation is considered as a way of life


Frage 21 von 30


Which of the following statements best convey the relationship between race and ethnicity?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • race is based on an individual's cultural history and is independent of ethnicity

  • race denotes physical characteristics while ethnicity is rooted in a common heritage

  • race and ethnicity are both culturally determined concepts

  • race and ethnicity can be considered to be synonymous in the context of health care


Frage 22 von 30


A client from Pakistan informs the nurse of his cultural dietary requests. The nurse responds to the special dietary request by stating "You are now living in the US, and you should try to start eating those foods common to an American diet." This inappropriate response is an example of

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • cultural blindness

  • cultural diversity

  • cultural assimilation

  • cultural imposition


Frage 23 von 30


An Arab client has been admitted to the health care facility with varicose veins. What should the nurse avoid while conducting the interview of the client?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • giving a light hand shake

  • maintaining eye contact

  • asking about the client's personal life

  • asking about the client's medical history


Frage 24 von 30


In which of the following populations should the nurse carefully assess the client use of OTC medication?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Asian

  • Hispanic

  • African American

  • White middle class


Frage 25 von 30


Which of the following areas are typically included in a cultural assessment?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • ethics

  • employment status

  • food preferences

  • marital status


Frage 26 von 30


When a home bound client expresses her past-oriented ancestral heritage and family rituals, the nurse recognizes that the patient is expressing what?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • subculture

  • assimilation

  • race

  • ethnic identity


Frage 27 von 30


A student is preparing a presentation regarding different cultures. Which definition of culture is most accurate?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Belief system that guides behavior

  • cluster of individuals

  • altruistic grouping

  • complete uniformity of members


Frage 28 von 30


Health care facilities that sponsor health-promotion activities only in affluent areas are considered what?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • culturally blind

  • culturally sensitive

  • culturally aflluent

  • culturally different


Frage 29 von 30


How is culture learned by each new generation?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • belonging to a subculture

  • formal and informal experiences

  • ethnic heritage

  • involvement in religious activities


Frage 30 von 30


A Malaysian client is admitted to the health care facility with complains of cramping pain in the abdomen and loose stools. When should the nurse be seated when interviewing the client?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • in one corner of the room

  • behind the client

  • at more than one arm's distance

  • alongside the client
