Keira Newman
Quiz von , erstellt am more than 1 year ago

This quiz will help test you on the 'American War of Independence' and, therefore, improve your knowledge on it.

Keira Newman
Erstellt von Keira Newman vor fast 7 Jahre

The 'American War of Independence' Quiz

Frage 1 von 24


What was the American War of Independence?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • It was the war between America and Mexico for America to take over part of Mexico and claim its territory there.

  • It was actually World War II. It's just another name for it.

  • It was the war between America and Britain to give America independence from Britain.


Frage 2 von 24


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In ( 1773, 1607, 1609 ), it was the first English settlement in America. The first town was called ( Jamestown, Plymouth, Charlestown ) in Virginia and it was soon followed by Plymouth in ( Virginia, New York, Massachusetts ).


Frage 3 von 24


The French and the British got into a fight against the Indians in the French and British War.

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Frage 4 von 24


The Colonists and the British won the French and Indian War.

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Frage 5 von 24


What advantage did the British get after signing the Treaty of Paris in 1763 after they won the French and Indian War?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • It granted the British control of the territory from the Mississippi River to the Aplasia Mountains.

  • It left the British with lots of money that they were able to use to help their injured soldiers from the war.

  • It left the British with a lot of debt.


Frage 6 von 24


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Although the ( British, French, Chinese ) won the ( Chinese and American, French and British, French and Indian ) War, it left them with a lot of debt. Therefore, the British decided to ( pay, help, tax ) the ( French, American Colonists, British ).


Frage 7 von 24


What was the Stamp Act?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • It was a specialist company that would help homeless stamps.

  • It was a law that specifically said that all important papers and documents needed to be produced in Britain and had to have a special stamp that the American Colonists also had to pay for.

  • It was a law that the British created that says that the American Colonists were unable to use stamps.


Frage 8 von 24


The British were also making the American Colonists pay unreasonable taxes on things like tea and postage. They had enough so they decided to stop paying taxes completely.

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Frage 9 von 24


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In ( 1773, 1607, 1775 ), three British ships delivering tea from the East India Tea Company were ambushed by ( the French, Colonists, the Chinese ) disguised as American Indians. They dumped all the tea into the harbour. This was known as the ( Boston Tea Party, Stamp Act, French and Indian War ).


Frage 10 von 24


What did the British do after the Boston Tea Party in 1773?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • They tried to get help from the French.

  • They drank the all the tea they could find so that the American Colonists would not take it.

  • They started assembling troops to move against the Colonists.


Frage 11 von 24


Paul Revere was a Blacksmith from London.

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Frage 12 von 24


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( Charles Cornwallis, George Washington, Paul Revere ) received some 'top secret' information and so he jumped on his horse and he galloped around the street warning, "The ( British, French, Colonists ) are coming! The ( Colonists, British, French ) are Coming!".


Frage 13 von 24


On April 19th 1775, the first attacks from the Colonists against the British happened in Lexington, Massachusetts.

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Frage 14 von 24


Where did the Colonists fight the British?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Plymouth, Massachusetts.

  • Charleston, Massachusetts.

  • London, England.


Frage 15 von 24


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The ( Colonists, British, French ) suffered a devastating loss but still caused some serious damage to the ( British, Colonists, French ) Troops. This gave the Colonists the boost of confidence they needed but they knew they couldn’t defeat the ( British, Colonists, French ) alone. So they asked the ( French, British, Colonists ) but were rejected as the French thought they could not beat the British as long as they were still a part of the ( British empire, Colonial Militia, Boston Tea Party ). Therefore, the representatives of Congress had a decision to make.


Frage 16 von 24


Congress decided to sign the Declaration of Independence and the United States of America was born.

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Frage 17 von 24


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While the ( American Colonists, British, French ) waited for help to arrive, the war ( continued, ended, was put on hold ). Later that year, they lost control of ( New York, Virginia, London ). ( General George Washington, General Charles Cornwallis, Benjamin Franklin ) knew they needed to start winning some battles or else the ( French, Colonists, British ) would not help them


Frage 18 von 24


On Christmas night, who led their fleet across the Delaware River to sneak up on their allies?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Benjamin Franklin

  • General Charles Cornwallis

  • General George Washington


Frage 19 von 24


The next morning, The British allies defeated General Washington and his troops because they were prepared so when Washington arrived, he and his troops were killed.

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Frage 20 von 24


During the two battles of Saratoga, the Colonial militia lost a lot of men, but found the strength to keep going.

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Frage 21 von 24


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On ( October 17th 1781, July 4th 1776, April 19th 1775 ), the ( American Colonists, British, French ) forced 5000 British troops and their allies to surrender. This was a large-scale victory for the American Colonists and it proved to the ( French, American Colonists, British ) that these guys were the real deal so the ( French, American Colonists, British ) joined the fight. Now with the mighty French Naval flee on their side, the Americans battled on until the battle of ( Yorktown, Charlestown, London ) in ( 1781, 1784, 1773 ).


Frage 22 von 24


Where did the French and the Colonists trap a large British army?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Virginia's Yorktown Peninsula

  • Jamestown Town Centre

  • London Peninsula


Frage 23 von 24


British General Charles Cornwallis and his troops were greatly outnumbered. So, he hid in a cave while the rest of his British surrendered to George Washington.

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Frage 24 von 24


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In ( 1782, 1773, 1783 ), Peace negotiations began and treaty was drafted by three ( American, British, French ) representatives: John Jay, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin. It took almost two years of negotiation until finally, on ( September 3rd 1783, October 17th 1781, July 4th 1776 ), ( King George, General George Washington, General Charles Cornwallis ) signed the Treaty of Paris. This marked the end of the ( American Revolution, Boston Tea Party, French and Indian War ). Great Britain officially acknowledged the USA as an independent nation. After an exhausting ( 8, 7, 100 )-year war, freedom rang.
