inferential statistics
randomly selected subjects
common sample statistics
problem with sampling
how do we know there is sample error?
standard error of the mean
calculation of standard error of the mean
Full Example/Explanation
of Standard Error of the Mean
central limit theorem
research utlity of central limit theorem
to decrease stand. error of the mean,
what happens to standard deviation of the population and sample size?
hypothesis testing
types of hypotheses
null hypothesis
alternative hypothesis
regions in bell shape curve
region of unlikely values
region of likely values
4 possible outcomes from hypothesis testing
what causes our conclusions (from hypothesis testing) to be wrong?
Type I error
Type II error
Rule of the "C's"
what factors affect power?
relationship between alpha and beta
relationship between power and Beta
3 broad categories of statistical tests
tests of differences
Tests of relationship and prediction
tests related to structure or fit
determining which
*test of difference*
to use
assumptions that must be met to use PARAMETRIC tests
study of depression and medication treatment with 3 ethnic groups
-how many variables?
-how many levels?
two programs designed to improve academic achievement
--programs are compared by measuring students at 1) beginning, 2) middle and 3) end of school year
Independent Variables (IVs) and
tests of difference
Type of Data and
Tests of Difference
Independent vs Correlated IVs and Tests of Difference
tests for nominal data
Chi-Square Assumptions
tests for interval data
tests for ordinal data
Tests for ratio data
what's the *only* test we could use for more than one DV in testing group differences?
what test can you conduct when only examining ONE group?
what test(s) do you use for:
interval data,
1 IV, 2 levels?
what group of tests must you use when IVs have 3+ levels?
what test to run for 1 IV with 3 or more levels?
what test to run for 2 IV with 3 or more levels?
what test to run for 3 IV with 3 or more levels?
differences among
*one-way ANOVA
*two-way ANOVA
*split plot
what ANOVA do you use when you have a covariate?
degrees of freedom --
single-sample Chi Square
degrees of freedom --
multiple-sample Chi Squarea
degrees of freedom --
single-sample T-Test
degrees of freedom --
matched-samples T-Test
degrees of freedom --
independent samples T-Test
degrees of freedom --
expected frequencies in a Chi-Square
disadvantage of running multiple tests as opposed to one test
output from two-way ANOVA
trend analysis
test of relationship or predictions
predictor variable
outcome variable
coefficient of determination
regression equation
least squares criterion
assumptions of bivariate correlations
determining which
*test of relationship*
to use
types of correlations
moderator variable
mediator variable
multivariate tests
multiple R correlation
multiple regression equation
stepwise regression
hierarchical regression
canonical R (correlation)
discriminant function analysis
log linear (or logit) analysis
structural equation modelling
test of structure
factor analysis
correlation matrix
factor loadings
two different types of rotations in factor analysis
factor analysis
principle components analysis
cluster analysis