Erstellt von Zita Wormuth
vor etwa 7 Jahre
List the order in which air travels to the alveoli (organs)
List 5 reasons why lungs are so well suited for gas exchange
What is inspiration?
Describe the sequence of events that occur during inspiration
What is expiration?
Describe the events that occur during expiration
Where does carbon dioxide diffuse into during gas exchange?
Where does oxygen diffuse into during gas exchange?
Why is gas exchange into the alveolus so easy?
What kind of blood does the artery bring to the alveolus?
Oxygenated or deoxygenated?
What kind of blood do the capilleries bring away from the alveolus?
Oxygenated or deoxygenated?
What is Emphysema?
What is lung cancer?
What is pneumonia?
What is tuberculosis?
What is asthma?