Tracy Rains
Quiz von , erstellt am more than 1 year ago

LSAT Elem Ed Quiz am Cactus Jam, erstellt von Tracy Rains am 11/12/2017.

Tracy Rains
Erstellt von Tracy Rains vor fast 7 Jahre

Cactus Jam

Frage 1 von 5


Why do the young women use poles to get the fruit?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • To avoid getting to near the cactus plant.

  • To be able to reach the fruit high in the air.

  • To keep the children safe as they receive the fruit.

  • To stay out of the way of the fruit when it drops.


Frage 2 von 5


What does the photograph of the saguaro fruit help the reader understand about making cactus jam?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The photograph shows that jam made from these fruits will be sweet in flavor.

  • The photograph show that the size of the fruits makes gathering them fun to do.

  • The photograph shows that gathering fruit is difficult because the fruits are stuck tightly to the plant.

  • The photograph shows that the fruits must be peeled because they have cactus spines on them.


Frage 3 von 5


What is one of the main ideas in the passage?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Groups of Tohono O'odham Indians make jam by doing different jobs and working together.

  • The Tohono O'odham indians make food from different plants in the desert

  • Groups of Tohono O'odham indians enjoy working outside in the summer.

  • The Tohono O'odham indians enjoy making sweet treats at the end of a busy day.


Frage 4 von 5


Please choose the correct order of the steps to make cactus jam.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • scrape fruit, pick fruit, cook juice, strain the fruit

  • pick the fruit, scrape the fruit, strain juice, cook juice

  • cook juice, pick fruit,strain juice, scrape fruit

  • strain juice, scrape fruit, cook juice, pick juice


Frage 5 von 5


What is the difference between what younger women do to make cactus jam than what the older women do?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Young women help to gather the fruit; older women cook the fruit.

  • Young women climb the cactus fruit; older women catch it.

  • Young women help gather the firewood; older women start the fire.

  • Young women cook the jam; older women spread the fruit on bread.
