What is a Pathogen?
What is the Body's defence against pathogens?
What are the Barriers?
Process of Phagocytosis?
Describe the Specific Immune Response
What is an Antigen?
How does the immune response leas to production of antibodies?
What is an Antibody?
How do Memory cells (B/T) work?
How does a vaccine produce immunity?
Active VS Passive Immunity
How does active immunity occur
How does passive immunity occur?
Successful vaccination Programme?
What is Herd immunity?
Problems with Vaccination Programmes
What is Antigen variability?
What is a monoclonal antibody?
What are monoclonal antibodies used for?
How do monoclonal antibes identify specific antigens in the blood?
How do monoclonal antibodies identify specific antibodies in the blood?
How are monoclonal antibodies used in pregnancy testing?
What is HIV/AIDs?