Erstellt von Ellen Somers
vor fast 7 Jahre
What literary evidence do we have for housing?
Representation on objects?
Physical evidence?
What are the shortcomings of these evidences?
Evidence for the layout, particularly women's quarters?
Which texts refer to women's quarters?
What does the house on the north slope of the Aeropagus in Athens show?
What feature identifies the Andron? ex
What does the house at Olynthos show?
Term for pottery being used as evidence?
Why are there few texts on the Greek household?
Dates of vases used as iconographical evidence?
What are women shown to be doing in the household?
What is important about this imagery?
What is a key signifier of women's work?
What are other common objects in a women's quarters?
When are women portrayed outside the home?
Negatives to archaeological evidence?
When was Olynthos excavated?
main characteristic of the site?
When was it destroyed?
What examples are there?
How many houses are there at Olynthos?
What house is at Eretria?
What examples do we have in Attica?
What house is at Pella?
How was privacy shown?
What objects represent women's activities?
How do we know about the layout of couches in the andron?
What does house Avii4 at Olynthos prove?
Example of some room uses?
What does the Vari house have?
What is unique about the Virtrurian style houses in Eretria and Pella?
How are entryways kept private?